The list of cultivars for vg1214815608 with genotype T in the VI/Aromatic population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
SANNABATHA IRIS_313-10521 VI/Aromatic India ERS469399
HR22 IRIS_313-10531 VI/Aromatic India ERS469395
ARC_10296 IRIS_313-10670 VI/Aromatic India ERS469488
ARC_7296 IRIS_313-10851 VI/Aromatic India ERS469654
RAM_SALEE_KATAKA IRIS_313-10926 VI/Aromatic Nepal ERS469725
ARC_7281 IRIS_313-10933 VI/Aromatic India ERS469733
BASMATI_SUFAID_100 IRIS_313-11022 VI/Aromatic Pakistan ERS469819
HANSRAJ IRIS_313-11026 VI/Aromatic Pakistan ERS469824
RATRIO IRIS_313-11033 VI/Aromatic Pakistan ERS469831
BEGUNBICHI_33 IRIS_313-11062 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS469863
PANKAIT_31 IRIS_313-11068 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS469870
LAL_AMAN_207 IRIS_313-11217 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS470008
ARC_13502 IRIS_313-11258 VI/Aromatic India ERS470053
ARC_13515 IRIS_313-11259 VI/Aromatic India ERS470054
ARC_14663 IRIS_313-11270 VI/Aromatic India ERS470106
ARC_18578 IRIS_313-11289 VI/Aromatic India ERS470078
BAJAL IRIS_313-11350 VI/Aromatic India ERS470143
BUCHI IRIS_313-11352 VI/Aromatic India ERS470145
JALADHI_1 IRIS_313-11360 VI/Aromatic India ERS470154
KEYA_NUNIA IRIS_313-11362 VI/Aromatic India ERS470156
MOTANGA IRIS_313-11401 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS470193
RATO_BASMATI IRIS_313-11567 VI/Aromatic Nepal ERS468762
KARISHNABELI IRIS_313-11628 VI/Aromatic Nepal ERS468807
SETO_JHINUWA IRIS_313-11632 VI/Aromatic Nepal ERS468810
CHHOTI_MASHINO IRIS_313-11743 VI/Aromatic Bhutan ERS468907
P_335 IRIS_313-11765 VI/Aromatic Liberia ERS468929
KYAIN_WAR_ME_DONE IRIS_313-12074 VI/Aromatic Myanmar ERS469208
IET_14720 IRIS_313-15909 VI/Aromatic None ERS467766
CHHOTE_DHAN IRIS_313-8268 VI/Aromatic Nepal ERS467859
TIMMURAY IRIS_313-8765 VI/Aromatic Bhutan ERS467906
ARC_7229 IRIS_313-9172 VI/Aromatic India ERS467910
KOIYA_DIGHA IRIS_313-9445 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS467903
CHAWAL IRIS_313-9601 VI/Aromatic Pakistan ERS467816
JC157 IRIS_313-9629 VI/Aromatic India ERS467773
Red_Khosha_Cerma W014 VI/Aromatic Afghanistan SRR1239817
2 W129 VI/Aromatic Afghanistan SRR1239932
SADRI_RICE_1 W252 VI/Aromatic Iran SRR1240055
ZIRI W255 VI/Aromatic India SRR1240058