The list of cultivars for vg0141973203 with genotype T in the Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
PeiC122 C051 Intermediate Unknown SRR1239651
R644 CX13 Intermediate China ERS470495
IR47686-4-4-B-1 CX242 Intermediate Philippines ERS470566
None CX309 Intermediate None
Rata_31-2_(Acc.29388) GP1 Intermediate Bengal ERR036606
Mollika_(sel) GP141 Intermediate Nepal ERR036742
Baladewa GP627 Intermediate Indonesia ERR036870
milyamg_67 GP635 Intermediate North Korea ERR036878
ANDEL_WELUT IRIS_313-10738 Intermediate Indonesia ERS469546
LAWANGAI IRIS_313-11417 Intermediate India ERS470208
KOCHUM IRIS_313-11690 Intermediate Bhutan ERS468865
AMBOHIMANDAY IRIS_313-11754 Intermediate Madagascar ERS468917
MEDUSA IRIS_313-8067 Intermediate Italy ERS468467
SML_ACORNI IRIS_313-9464 Intermediate Suriname ERS467904
BERENJ_1277_S IRIS_313-9783 Intermediate Afghanistan ERS467817
CIWINI_SML IRIS_313-9939 Intermediate Suriname ERS467768
LABELLE W294 Intermediate United States SRR1240097