The list of cultivars for vg1113821400 with genotype T in the Indica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Sri_Lanka_1_ B013 Indica Intermediate Sri lanka ERS470231
American_Rice_ B035 Indica Intermediate United States ERS470252
Guizhao_2 B063 Indica Intermediate China ERS470277
Xiangzaoxian_7 B064 Indica Intermediate China ERS470278
Sibeitizhao_6 B128 Indica Intermediate China ERS470338
80B B137 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470347
Taizhongzailai_1/taizhong65 B159 Indica Intermediate China ERS470369
Wukezhan_ B265 Indica Intermediate China ERS470459
MOROBEREKAN C009 Indica Intermediate United States SRR1239609
Shufeng101 C036 Indica Intermediate Sichuan SRR1239636
XiangaiB C121 Indica Intermediate Jiangxi SRR1239721
76--1 C167 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1239767
Taizhongzailai1 C169 Indica Intermediate Taiwan SRR1239769
Hta7204 CX144 Indica Intermediate None ERS470508
W1263 CX160 Indica Intermediate India ERS470525
None CX196 Indica Intermediate None
Zhongyouzao_81 CX221 Indica Intermediate China ERS470548
TKM_9 CX24 Indica Intermediate India ERS470563
None CX321 Indica Intermediate None
None CX322 Indica Intermediate None
SAGC??4 CX346 Indica Intermediate China ERS470630
KCD1 CX349 Indica Intermediate None ERS470633
NPT-114 CX386 Indica Intermediate China ERS470672
Huangsizhan_ CX393 Indica Intermediate China ERS470679
IR68552-55-3-2 CX42 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470690
None CX436 Indica Intermediate None
None CX473 Indica Intermediate None
None CX474 Indica Intermediate None
None CX490 Indica Intermediate None
None CX509 Indica Intermediate None
None CX514 Indica Intermediate None
None CX550 Indica Intermediate None
MR106 CX68 Indica Intermediate Malaysia ERS470721
OM1706 CX80 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS470734
C70 CX86 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS470739
Q5 CX87 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS470740
Doddabyranella CX98 Indica Intermediate India ERS470751
9/53 GP54 Indica Intermediate Cuba ERR036658
Benguzhong HP302 Indica Intermediate China ERR009795
TOC-5430 IRIS_313-10054 Indica Intermediate Panama ERS468153
MEI_FENG_9 IRIS_313-10168 Indica Intermediate China ERS468165
PSBRC68 IRIS_313-10235 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468179
IRGA_959-1-2-2F-4-1-4A-6-CA-6X IRIS_313-10301 Indica Intermediate Brazil ERS468192
RUSTIC IRIS_313-10318 Indica Intermediate Guyana ERS468231
CT_9737-6-1-1-2-2P-M IRIS_313-10352 Indica Intermediate Colombia ERS467923
HP_3319-2WX-6-4-1-B IRIS_313-10353 Indica Intermediate Korea ERS468197
IR_52718-B-B-6-B-B-1-1 IRIS_313-10357 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468304
IR_80340-23-B-12-6-B IRIS_313-10396 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468203
K_479-2-3 IRIS_313-10404 Indica Intermediate India ERS467927
WAR_72-2-1-1 IRIS_313-10421 Indica Intermediate Sierra Leone ERS467831
EDAKKADAN_0-69-27 IRIS_313-10833 Indica Intermediate India ERS469636
CR157-392-4 IRIS_313-11240 Indica Intermediate India ERS470033
INANUPAN IRIS_313-11335 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470127
KODIA_PHUL IRIS_313-11449 Indica Intermediate India ERS468666
CUN_GU_NUO IRIS_313-11664 Indica Intermediate China ERS468840
QING_TAI_AI IRIS_313-11731 Indica Intermediate China ERS468894
L_10595 IRIS_313-11750 Indica Intermediate China ERS468913
L_10833 IRIS_313-11751 Indica Intermediate China ERS468914
FAN_WU IRIS_313-11801 Indica Intermediate China ERS468950
R_762 IRIS_313-11808 Indica Intermediate Colombia ERS468957
IB11 IRIS_313-11914 Indica Intermediate Burundi ERS469058
IR_10120-7-2-1-4 IRIS_313-11987 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS469200
YU_TOU_ZHONG IRIS_313-12011 Indica Intermediate China ERS469149
DAU_NGHA_THAI_BINH IRIS_313-12078 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS469226
TE_SAN_AI_2 IRIS_313-12232 Indica Intermediate China ERS469270
CO_39 IRIS_313-8265 Indica Intermediate India ERS467874
JIN_JUN_DAO IRIS_313-8405 Indica Intermediate China ERS467836
ARC_11663 IRIS_313-8621 Indica Intermediate India ERS467957
DUDRE IRIS_313-8631 Indica Intermediate India ERS467958
KURULUTUDU IRIS_313-8925 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERS467992
PAMAH_S_18 IRIS_313-9451 Indica Intermediate Thailand ERS468070
RPW9-4(SS1) IRIS_313-9522 Indica Intermediate India ERS468079
CHUA-DAU IRIS_313-9555 Indica Intermediate China ERS467792
MODDAI_KARUPPAN IRIS_313-9862 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERS468122
KULA_KARUPPAN IRIS_313-9968 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERS468134
Sapundali_Local W075 Indica Intermediate India SRR1239878
AMANE W101 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka SRR1239904
Huajingxian74 W157 Indica Intermediate Guangdong SRR1239960
Zhong413 W165 Indica Intermediate Zhejiang SRR1239968
IR68552-55-3-2 W187 Indica Intermediate Philippines SRR1239990
Q5 W234 Indica Intermediate Viet Nam SRR1240037
Ajaya W242 Indica Intermediate India SRR1240045
Yunhui72 W267 Indica Intermediate China SRR1240070