The list of cultivars for vg0139512435 with genotype T in the Indica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Sri_Lanka_1_ B013 Indica Intermediate Sri lanka ERS470231
Huangsiguizhan B065 Indica Intermediate China ERS470279
Xugunuo B085 Indica Intermediate China ERS470297
Wenxiangnuo B106 Indica Intermediate China ERS470316
Zaoshuxiangheimi B123 Indica Intermediate China ERS470333
Hongainuo B129 Indica Intermediate China ERS470339
Qingsiai_16B B153 Indica Intermediate China ERS470363
Taizhongzailai_1/taizhong65 B159 Indica Intermediate China ERS470369
Jiangnongzao_1_B B253 Indica Intermediate China ERS470450
Yun_hui_72 CX115 Indica Intermediate China ERS470480
93072 CX4 Indica Intermediate China ERS470685
None CX461 Indica Intermediate None
None CX487 Indica Intermediate None
Babaomi CX51 Indica Intermediate China ERS470701
Madagascar GP109 Indica Intermediate Madagascar ERR036713
Secano_do_Brazil GP3 Indica Intermediate Brazil ERR036608
Buyagaw GP524 Indica Intermediate Philippine ERR036772
Yizhuai HP180 Indica Intermediate China ERR009689
Zaomabao HP220 Indica Intermediate China ERR009524
Dabaizao HP221 Indica Intermediate China ERR009874
Yanshuichi HP240 Indica Intermediate China ERR009673
Qiyulenghe HP416 Indica Intermediate China ERR009819
Liutiaozi HP440 Indica Intermediate China ERR009573
KHAGRAI_DIGHA IRIS_313-11486 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS468697
B_3913_B_16-20_ST_28 IRIS_313-11656 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS468833
MARHARORA IRIS_313-11663 Indica Intermediate Zimbabwe ERS468839
CHING-CH'UNG IRIS_313-11693 Indica Intermediate China ERS468868
IR_2344-P1_PB-9-3-2B IRIS_313-7690 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468572
PAGAIYAHAN IRIS_313-8880 Indica Intermediate China ERS467983
ROJOFOTSY IRIS_313-9740 Indica Intermediate Madagascar ERS468228
K8C-263-3 W035 Indica Intermediate Suriname SRR1239838
Red W042 Indica Intermediate Pakistan SRR1239845