The list of cultivars for vg1212666385 with genotype G in the VI/Aromatic population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
HR22 IRIS_313-10531 VI/Aromatic India ERS469395
HANSRAJ IRIS_313-11026 VI/Aromatic Pakistan ERS469824
HANSRAJ IRIS_313-11825 VI/Aromatic India ERS468976
CHHOTE_DHAN IRIS_313-8268 VI/Aromatic Nepal ERS467859
TIMMURAY IRIS_313-8765 VI/Aromatic Bhutan ERS467906
TK-RED_35-799 IRIS_313-9682 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS467908
Red_Khosha_Cerma W014 VI/Aromatic Afghanistan SRR1239817