The list of cultivars for vg0607894551 with genotype G in the Indica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
93072 CX4 Indica Intermediate China ERS470685
None CX541 Indica Intermediate None
Yizhuai HP180 Indica Intermediate China ERR009689
CUYAMEL_3820 IRIS_313-10263 Indica Intermediate Mexico ERS468185
IR_80310-12-B-1-3-B IRIS_313-10394 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468202
RUSTY_LATE IRIS_313-10477 Indica Intermediate China ERS469372
SML-CAMPONI IRIS_313-11253 Indica Intermediate Suriname ERS470048
KYAUK_KYI(LEAVES_DROOPING) IRIS_313-12072 Indica Intermediate Myanmar ERS469204