The list of cultivars for vg0311292417 with genotype G in the Indica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
CO_22 B011 Indica Intermediate India ERS470229
Seln_244A6-20 B021 Indica Intermediate Australia ERS470239
Padi_Ladang_Ase_Polo_Komek B026 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS470243
Santiannuo B044 Indica Intermediate Japan ERS470259
Guizhao_2 B063 Indica Intermediate China ERS470277
Jinxibai2_ B073 Indica Intermediate China ERS470287
Jinbaoyin_ B075 Indica Intermediate China ERS470289
Minbeiwanxian B076 Indica Intermediate China ERS470290
Xugunuo B085 Indica Intermediate China ERS470297
Jiienuo B097 Indica Intermediate China ERS470309
Baoxuan_21 B105 Indica Intermediate China ERS470315
Chenwan_3_ B113 Indica Intermediate China ERS470323
Shufeng_101 B116 Indica Intermediate China ERS470326
Hongwan_1_ B120 Indica Intermediate China ERS470330
Zaoshuxiangheimi B123 Indica Intermediate China ERS470333
Xiangwanxian_3__ B125 Indica Intermediate China ERS470335
Hongainuo B129 Indica Intermediate China ERS470339
Yanshuichi B133 Indica Intermediate China ERS470343
Honggenghangu3_ B135 Indica Intermediate China ERS470345
80B B137 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470347
Gu_154 B138 Indica Intermediate China ERS470348
Baoxie-7B B155 Indica Intermediate China ERS470365
Haohuangla B165 Indica Intermediate China ERS470375
CHANH_148 B184 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS470389
None B186 Indica Intermediate None
Taizhongxianxuan_2 B197 Indica Intermediate China ERS470401
Baoxie_123B B202 Indica Intermediate China ERS470406
Aihechi B207 Indica Intermediate China ERS470410
None B231 Indica Intermediate None ERS804444
Momi B238 Indica Intermediate China ERS470436
Xiangai_B B252 Indica Intermediate China ERS470449
None B256 Indica Intermediate None
Wukezhan_ B265 Indica Intermediate China ERS470459
NONE B267 Indica Intermediate China ERS470461
Shufeng101 C036 Indica Intermediate Sichuan SRR1239636
Sankecui C038 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239638
Guichao2hao C042 Indica Intermediate Guangdong SRR1239642
Xiangwanxian3hao C046 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239646
Hongwan1hao C065 Indica Intermediate Fujian SRR1239665
Jinxibai-1 C096 Indica Intermediate Jiangxi SRR1239696
Jinbaoyin C097 Indica Intermediate Fujian SRR1239697
Hongainuo C098 Indica Intermediate Guangxi SRR1239698
WH100 C100 Indica Intermediate Hubei SRR1239700
80B C114 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239714
XiangaiB C121 Indica Intermediate Jiangxi SRR1239721
Aihechi C129 Indica Intermediate Jiangxi SRR1239729
Baoxie-7B C160 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239760
76--1 C167 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1239767
Xugunuo C168 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239768
Zhengxian232 C175 Indica Intermediate Jiangsu SRR1239775
Chenwan3hao C176 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239776
Wukezhan C192 Indica Intermediate Fujian SRR1239792
Minbeiwanxian C194 Indica Intermediate Fujian SRR1239794
Yizhixiang C201 Indica Intermediate Fujian SRR1239801
IR65600-27-1-2-2 CX117 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470482
Yuexiangzhan_ CX17 Indica Intermediate China ERS470529
None CX178 Indica Intermediate None
Zaoxian_14 CX18 Indica Intermediate China ERS470530
Zhong_413 CX19 Indica Intermediate China ERS470532
None CX196 Indica Intermediate None
None CX222 Indica Intermediate None
Vandana CX236 Indica Intermediate None ERS470560
None CX256 Indica Intermediate None
None CX297 Indica Intermediate None
None CX325 Indica Intermediate None
Hua_565 CX341 Indica Intermediate China ERS470625
SAGC??4 CX346 Indica Intermediate China ERS470630
93072 CX4 Indica Intermediate China ERS470685
IR68552-55-3-2 CX42 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470690
None CX436 Indica Intermediate None
None CX452 Indica Intermediate None
None CX461 Indica Intermediate None
None CX473 Indica Intermediate None
None CX474 Indica Intermediate None
None CX486 Indica Intermediate None
None CX490 Indica Intermediate None
None CX541 Indica Intermediate None
None CX550 Indica Intermediate None
None CX559 Indica Intermediate None
Bhavani CX61 Indica Intermediate India ERS470715
IRAT_352 CX64 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470717
C70 CX86 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS470739
Q5 CX87 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS470740
TGMS29 CX93 Indica Intermediate India ERS470747
H_5 GP103 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERR036707
Madagascar GP109 Indica Intermediate Madagascar ERR036713
Lebonot GP115 Indica Intermediate US ERR036717
Secano_do_Brazil GP3 Indica Intermediate Brazil ERR036608
Eei-eciet GP44 Indica Intermediate India ERR036648
Mudo GP539 Indica Intermediate India ERR036787
Kbarai_Ganja GP540 Indica Intermediate Pakistan ERR036788
Nonglinnuo-184 GP553 Indica Intermediate Japan ERR036801
JIRASAR_280 GP624 Indica Intermediate Hungary ERR036867
Kinandang_Patong GP75 Indica Intermediate Philippine ERR036679
Huihuinuo HP164 Indica Intermediate China ERR037192
Hangxiandahezi HP174 Indica Intermediate China ERR037202
Ningdexian HP177 Indica Intermediate China ERR009739
Yanjing HP179 Indica Intermediate China ERR009626
Baiyinqiu HP181 Indica Intermediate China ERR009589
Honggu-2 HP182 Indica Intermediate China ERR009715
Xiangxian HP183 Indica Intermediate China ERR009925
Handao HP192 Indica Intermediate China ERR009941
Hongdounuo HP197 Indica Intermediate China ERR009653
Jiankenuo HP198 Indica Intermediate China ERR009672
Shipishu HP199 Indica Intermediate China ERR009759
Huazhan HP201 Indica Intermediate China ERR009721
Dingzhounuo HP205 Indica Intermediate China ERR009598
Mazimang HP207 Indica Intermediate China ERR009675
Jinbaoyin-3 HP208 Indica Intermediate China ERR009517
baimizai HP209 Indica Intermediate China ERR009803
Wukejian HP210 Indica Intermediate China ERR009747
Yizhixiangshu HP212 Indica Intermediate China ERR009899
Hongmiguyoumang HP215 Indica Intermediate China ERR009809
Xianshuichi HP216 Indica Intermediate China ERR009544
Liuzhuzhan HP218 Indica Intermediate China ERR009863
Zaomabao HP220 Indica Intermediate China ERR009524
Dabaizao HP221 Indica Intermediate China ERR009874
Qimei-1 HP222 Indica Intermediate China ERR009741
Dayaozhan HP224 Indica Intermediate China ERR009866
Qihe HP230 Indica Intermediate China ERR009549
Jiangzhan HP231 Indica Intermediate China ERR009910
Heigu HP233 Indica Intermediate China ERR009646
Pangqiunuo HP235 Indica Intermediate China ERR009471
Simaobai HP238 Indica Intermediate China ERR009604
Yanshuichi HP240 Indica Intermediate China ERR009673
Shanlan-19 HP242 Indica Intermediate China ERR009570
Hanhe-2 HP276 Indica Intermediate China ERR009904
Xiangzhan-1 HP288 Indica Intermediate China ERR009611
Hongshannuo HP290 Indica Intermediate China ERR009559
Makehong HP296 Indica Intermediate China ERR009602
Baiguxiang HP297 Indica Intermediate China ERR009685
Benguzhong HP302 Indica Intermediate China ERR009795
Xibengu HP303 Indica Intermediate China ERR009911
Honghandao-2 HP305 Indica Intermediate China ERR009595
Zhenfanzi HP306 Indica Intermediate China ERR009789
Maguhongmi HP327 Indica Intermediate China ERR009621
Hongbaizhanhangu HP328 Indica Intermediate China ERR009603
Jiuyuezai HP343 Indica Intermediate China ERR009738
Baihuazhan HP346 Indica Intermediate China ERR009671
Qiwei HP347 Indica Intermediate China ERR009677
Suixihongxu HP348 Indica Intermediate China ERR009522
Gouzaizhan HP350 Indica Intermediate China ERR009944
Youzhannuo HP352 Indica Intermediate China ERR009894
Aijiaozhong HP353 Indica Intermediate China ERR009674
Xiangguzhong HP354 Indica Intermediate China ERR009913
Dajinggu HP357 Indica Intermediate China ERR009812
Jinkounuo HP395 Indica Intermediate China ERR009591
Jianan-9 HP411 Indica Intermediate China ERR009775
Qiyulenghe HP416 Indica Intermediate China ERR009819
Bendiwan HP431 Indica Intermediate China ERR009704
Liutiaozi HP440 Indica Intermediate China ERR009573
Zhuxizao HP450 Indica Intermediate China ERR009900
Youzhan HP457 Indica Intermediate China ERR009656
Baimidongzhan HP481 Indica Intermediate China ERR009652
Zaowangzainuo HP495 Indica Intermediate China ERR009726
Hunuo HP497 Indica Intermediate China ERR009536
Niutouwu HP520 Indica Intermediate China ERR009622
Zaokengji HP521 Indica Intermediate China ERR009777
Yizhixiang HP523 Indica Intermediate China ERR009708
Jiaozhan HP547 Indica Intermediate China ERR009895
Lengshuizi(Yehe) HP555 Indica Intermediate China ERR009599
Haonuobi HP607 Indica Intermediate China ERR009594
Qinglannuo HP610 Indica Intermediate China ERR009575
Guanghongba HP611 Indica Intermediate China ERR009568
Chongfubao HP612 Indica Intermediate China ERR009619
RIZ_INDETERMINE IRIS_313-10034 Indica Intermediate Niger ERS468146
KELIRENY IRIS_313-10102 Indica Intermediate Madagascar ERS467873
MEI_FENG_9 IRIS_313-10168 Indica Intermediate China ERS468165
DA_GANG_ZHAN IRIS_313-10177 Indica Intermediate China ERS468168
GUI_HUA_ZAO IRIS_313-10179 Indica Intermediate China ERS468170
TONG_GU_HONG IRIS_313-10226 Indica Intermediate China ERS468177
LIU_XU IRIS_313-10239 Indica Intermediate China ERS468182
RUSTIC IRIS_313-10318 Indica Intermediate Guyana ERS468231
CSR-89_IR-15 IRIS_313-10348 Indica Intermediate India ERS467921
IR_63295-AC_209-7 IRIS_313-10361 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468198
IR_80310-12-B-1-3-B IRIS_313-10394 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468202
K_479-2-3 IRIS_313-10404 Indica Intermediate India ERS467927
RUSTY_LATE IRIS_313-10477 Indica Intermediate China ERS469372
GAMTI_1-34 IRIS_313-10536 Indica Intermediate Tanzania ERS469397
HAM_MOON IRIS_313-10614 Indica Intermediate China ERS469460
LUA_CHUM IRIS_313-10751 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS469560
GAJA_BARU IRIS_313-10769 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS469577
ARC_13204 IRIS_313-10894 Indica Intermediate India ERS469700
HURANG_ARISO_LUTA IRIS_313-10966 Indica Intermediate Brazil ERS469768
SUNAR IRIS_313-11011 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS469807
ZIRA_SHAHI IRIS_313-11035 Indica Intermediate Pakistan ERS469833
DHALA_AMAN_973 IRIS_313-11125 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS469923
KALAI IRIS_313-11131 Indica Intermediate Myanmar ERS469930
MANSAT-3 IRIS_313-11134 Indica Intermediate Myanmar ERS469933
BENA_JHUPI IRIS_313-11165 Indica Intermediate India ERS469967
K_17-9-1-1 IRIS_313-11197 Indica Intermediate India ERS469987
LIGUNGTUNG IRIS_313-11234 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470027
ARC_18325 IRIS_313-11286 Indica Intermediate India ERS470075
ARC_14899 IRIS_313-11302 Indica Intermediate India ERS470092
ARC_15097 IRIS_313-11303 Indica Intermediate India ERS470093
KHIRPULI IRIS_313-11364 Indica Intermediate India ERS470158
CHIEM_NGAN IRIS_313-11383 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS470175
ISWAR_KORA IRIS_313-11432 Indica Intermediate India ERS468649
LOCAL IRIS_313-11478 Indica Intermediate India ERS468688
GAO_LIANG_ZAO IRIS_313-11573 Indica Intermediate China ERS468767
JIANG_HUI_DAO IRIS_313-11576 Indica Intermediate China ERS468770
LANG_QIAN_CHE IRIS_313-11577 Indica Intermediate China ERS468771
TAI_ZHOU_XIAN IRIS_313-11580 Indica Intermediate China ERS468774
NONE IRIS_313-11585 Indica Intermediate China ERS468777
CHAN_THANH_HOA IRIS_313-11594 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS468781
UPRH265 IRIS_313-11621 Indica Intermediate India ERS468799
CUN_GU_NUO IRIS_313-11664 Indica Intermediate China ERS468840
CHING-CH'UNG IRIS_313-11693 Indica Intermediate China ERS468868
CHING-LIU IRIS_313-11694 Indica Intermediate China ERS468869
CHAMPION IRIS_313-11714 Indica Intermediate Guyana ERS468878
GUANG_QING_334 IRIS_313-11726 Indica Intermediate China ERS468889
MEI_LIU_ZAO_5 IRIS_313-11729 Indica Intermediate China ERS468892
YI_LI_ZHONG IRIS_313-11735 Indica Intermediate China ERS468898
AI_JIAO_AO_FAN_ZI IRIS_313-11744 Indica Intermediate China ERS468908
GAO_JIAO_YING_GAN_ZHAN IRIS_313-11748 Indica Intermediate China ERS468912
ROJON'NY_NTAOLO IRIS_313-11772 Indica Intermediate Madagascar ERS468933
KHAU_DANH IRIS_313-11893 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS469120
LOC_TRANG_MUON IRIS_313-11894 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS469036
YU_HE_HONG IRIS_313-11910 Indica Intermediate China ERS469053
IB11 IRIS_313-11914 Indica Intermediate Burundi ERS469058
LI_TOU_ZHAN IRIS_313-11985 Indica Intermediate China ERS469181
JIA_GEN IRIS_313-12007 Indica Intermediate China ERS469145
YU_TOU_ZHONG IRIS_313-12011 Indica Intermediate China ERS469149
AI_JIAO_ZI IRIS_313-12057 Indica Intermediate China ERS469189
YERI_BUTUKA IRIS_313-12065 Indica Intermediate Nigeria ERS469196
DAU_NGHA_THAI_BINH IRIS_313-12078 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS469226
MAGU IRIS_313-12275 Indica Intermediate China ERS469293
VARY_GONY IRIS_313-12284 Indica Intermediate Madagascar ERS469301
BOTOHAVANA_139 IRIS_313-7650 Indica Intermediate Madagascar ERS468584
MAMORIAKA_114 IRIS_313-7728 Indica Intermediate Madagascar ERS468571
JIN_JUN_DAO IRIS_313-8405 Indica Intermediate China ERS467836
NIAO_YAO IRIS_313-8743 Indica Intermediate China ERS467838
105 IRIS_313-8783 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERS467974
PAGAIYAHAN IRIS_313-8880 Indica Intermediate China ERS467983
LU_MAO_ZHAN IRIS_313-8889 Indica Intermediate China ERS467984
E_2040 IRIS_313-8914 Indica Intermediate China ERS467988
SERIBU IRIS_313-8987 Indica Intermediate Malaysia ERS468391
RAYADA IRIS_313-9108 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS467825
XI_GAN_JING_REN IRIS_313-9184 Indica Intermediate China ERS468033
VEN_THAP IRIS_313-9317 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS468056
SADA_RUPA IRIS_313-9325 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS468059
VARY_MALADY_MENA IRIS_313-9388 Indica Intermediate Madagascar ERS467841
NCS964_C IRIS_313-9400 Indica Intermediate India ERS467794
PAMAH_S_18 IRIS_313-9451 Indica Intermediate Thailand ERS468070
H_6 IRIS_313-9472 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERS468073
CHUA-DAU IRIS_313-9555 Indica Intermediate China ERS467792
NX_3533 IRIS_313-9570 Indica Intermediate China ERS468087
MAMORIAKA IRIS_313-9732 Indica Intermediate Madagascar ERS468112
GENIT IRIS_313-9778 Indica Intermediate Argentina ERS468115
SML_AWINI IRIS_313-9841 Indica Intermediate Suriname ERS468121
KULA_KARUPPAN IRIS_313-9968 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERS468134
Ai_Chueh_Ta_Pai_Ku W029 Indica Intermediate Taiwan SRR1239832
K8C-263-3 W035 Indica Intermediate Suriname SRR1239838
Manga_Kely_694 W037 Indica Intermediate Madagascar SRR1239840
Red W042 Indica Intermediate Pakistan SRR1239845
IR_238 W066 Indica Intermediate Philippines SRR1239869
AKP_4 W071 Indica Intermediate India SRR1239874
TAINUNG_45 W074 Indica Intermediate Taiwan SRR1239877
KECHENGNUO_NO._4 W085 Indica Intermediate China SRR1239888
JP_5 W107 Indica Intermediate Pakistan SRR1239910
93072 W149 Indica Intermediate China SRR1239952
Yuexiangzhan W163 Indica Intermediate Guangdong SRR1239966
Zaoxian14 W164 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1239967
Zhong413 W165 Indica Intermediate Zhejiang SRR1239968
IR68552-55-3-2 W187 Indica Intermediate Philippines SRR1239990
Bhavani W212 Indica Intermediate India SRR1240015
IRAT352 W217 Indica Intermediate Indonesia SRR1240020
TB154E-TB-2 W218 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1240021
C70 W233 Indica Intermediate Viet Nam SRR1240036
Q5 W234 Indica Intermediate Viet Nam SRR1240037
TGMS29 W240 Indica Intermediate India SRR1240043
P59279 W271 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1240074
Tsao_wan_ching W272 Indica Intermediate China SRR1240075
Lengshuinuo W322 Indica Intermediate Yunnan SRR1240125