The list of cultivars for vg1126903440 with genotype C in the VI/Aromatic population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Rata_710_(Acc.29397) GP2 VI/Aromatic Bengal ERR036607
ARC_7296 IRIS_313-10851 VI/Aromatic India ERS469654
ARC_18578 IRIS_313-11289 VI/Aromatic India ERS470078
RATO_BASMATI IRIS_313-11567 VI/Aromatic Nepal ERS468762
KASHA IRIS_313-12094 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS469210
DOM-ZARD IRIS_313-8747 VI/Aromatic Iran ERS467770
Dacca6 W256 VI/Aromatic United States SRR1240059