The list of cultivars for vg0520300536 with genotype C in the Japonica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Huhui_628 B144 Japonica Intermediate China ERS470354
80A60YR71009-1-5 B191 Japonica Intermediate Australia ERS470395
Huhui628 C029 Japonica Intermediate Unknown SRR1239629
Gumei_2_ CX11 Japonica Intermediate China ERS470474
Ai_Yeh_Lu CX142 Japonica Intermediate China ERS470506
IR69428-6-1-1-3-3 CX205 Japonica Intermediate Philippines ERS470535
C349 CX286 Japonica Intermediate China ERS470596
None CX579 Japonica Intermediate None ERS804467
Bashuonuo GP502 Japonica Intermediate Japan ERR036751
Agami_M1 GP569 Japonica Intermediate Philippine ERR036817
Japonesito_des_Meses_F.A GP594 Japonica Intermediate Argentina ERR036840
Baru GP611 Japonica Intermediate Australia ERR036855
Mars GP614 Japonica Intermediate US ERR036858
J229 GP680 Japonica Intermediate Cuba ERR036923
J519 GP681 Japonica Intermediate Cuba ERR036924
NOVELLI_GIGANTE GP685 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERR036928
Podao HP614 Japonica Intermediate China ERR009705
ESTRELA_A IRIS_313-10061 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468413
REA IRIS_313-10062 Japonica Intermediate Greece ERS468414
MOLO IRIS_313-10111 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468362
NAM_ROO IRIS_313-10176 Japonica Intermediate Thailand ERS468430
RIBE_253 IRIS_313-8024 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468490
GRITNA IRIS_313-8029 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468465
DORELLA IRIS_313-8037 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468548
LOTO IRIS_313-8039 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468487
GRALDO IRIS_313-8041 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468509
LORD IRIS_313-8049 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468505
MIARA IRIS_313-8050 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468508
SMERALDO IRIS_313-8052 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468491
RUBIDIO IRIS_313-8053 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468477
SAMBA IRIS_313-8065 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468478
PELDE IRIS_313-8076 Japonica Intermediate Australia ERS468495
FAISCA IRIS_313-8114 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468464
FAMILIA_181 IRIS_313-8115 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468532
HAREM IRIS_313-8116 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468483
IBO_400 IRIS_313-8118 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468475
MESTRE IRIS_313-8121 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468501
SLAVA IRIS_313-8143 Japonica Intermediate Bulgaria ERS468546
MEJANES_2 IRIS_313-8170 Japonica Intermediate France ERS468646
FIDJI IRIS_313-8172 Japonica Intermediate Philippines ERS468641
LUXOR IRIS_313-8195 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468468
CP231 IRIS_313-8658 Japonica Intermediate United States ERS468441
ARC_6044 IRIS_313-9201 Japonica Intermediate India ERS468036
SUKARADJA IRIS_313-9242 Japonica Intermediate Indonesia ERS468449
IMPROVED_BLUE_ROSE IRIS_313-9366 Japonica Intermediate United States ERS468395
FORTUNA_INIA IRIS_313-9980 Japonica Intermediate Argentina ERS468411
Sel._No._388 W010 Japonica Intermediate Uruguay SRR1239813
H57-3-1 W019 Japonica Intermediate Argentina SRR1239822