The list of cultivars for vg0431906900 with genotype C in the Indica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Jinbaoyin_ B075 Indica Intermediate China ERS470289
Minbeiwanxian B076 Indica Intermediate China ERS470290
Biwusheng_ B203 Indica Intermediate China ERS470407
Aihechi B207 Indica Intermediate China ERS470410
Jinnante_B B247 Indica Intermediate China ERS470445
Xiangai_B B252 Indica Intermediate China ERS470449
Jinbaoyin C097 Indica Intermediate Fujian SRR1239697
WH100 C100 Indica Intermediate Hubei SRR1239700
XiangaiB C121 Indica Intermediate Jiangxi SRR1239721
Aihechi C129 Indica Intermediate Jiangxi SRR1239729
Zihui_100 CX20 Indica Intermediate China ERS470534
Bala CX228 Indica Intermediate India ERS470552
NPT-114 CX386 Indica Intermediate China ERS470672
Babaomi CX51 Indica Intermediate China ERS470701
Linyitangdao CX54 Indica Intermediate China ERS470705
Buyagaw GP524 Indica Intermediate Philippine ERR036772
Mudo GP539 Indica Intermediate India ERR036787
Kbarai_Ganja GP540 Indica Intermediate Pakistan ERR036788
IR_5533-PP856-1 GP68 Indica Intermediate IRRI ERR036672
Ningdexian HP177 Indica Intermediate China ERR009739
Xiangxian HP183 Indica Intermediate China ERR009925
Hongdounuo HP197 Indica Intermediate China ERR009653
Jiankenuo HP198 Indica Intermediate China ERR009672
Dingzhounuo HP205 Indica Intermediate China ERR009598
Yizhixiangshu HP212 Indica Intermediate China ERR009899
Handao HP243 Indica Intermediate China ERR009873
Baiguxiang HP297 Indica Intermediate China ERR009685
Hongbaizhanhangu HP328 Indica Intermediate China ERR009603
Qiyulenghe HP416 Indica Intermediate China ERR009819
Haonuoliang HP422 Indica Intermediate China ERR009821
Bendiwan HP431 Indica Intermediate China ERR009704
Zaowangzainuo HP495 Indica Intermediate China ERR009726
Hunuo HP497 Indica Intermediate China ERR009536
Ximazagu HP528 Indica Intermediate China ERR009902
Lengshuizi(Yehe) HP555 Indica Intermediate China ERR009599
Jinbaoyin-2 HP573 Indica Intermediate China ERR009495
Guiyangzhan HP593 Indica Intermediate China ERR009876
Xiaohongmi HP595 Indica Intermediate China ERR009547
LIU_XU IRIS_313-10239 Indica Intermediate China ERS468182
RR_272-17-829 IRIS_313-10412 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS467928
RUSTY_LATE IRIS_313-10477 Indica Intermediate China ERS469372
LUA_CHUM IRIS_313-10751 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS469560
ZIRA_SHAHI IRIS_313-11035 Indica Intermediate Pakistan ERS469833
DHALA_AMAN_973 IRIS_313-11125 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS469923
NGALONGYI IRIS_313-11137 Indica Intermediate Myanmar ERS469936
SYNTHETIC_SATIVA IRIS_313-11199 Indica Intermediate India ERS469989
ARC_14975 IRIS_313-11275 Indica Intermediate India ERS470063
ARC_18325 IRIS_313-11286 Indica Intermediate India ERS470075
CHIEM_NGAN IRIS_313-11383 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS470175
CHIEM_TONG_NHAT_1 IRIS_313-11384 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS470176
TUNAGANNAPNANG IRIS_313-11447 Indica Intermediate India ERS468663
BHAINSA_MUNDARIYA IRIS_313-11596 Indica Intermediate India ERS468783
UPRH31 IRIS_313-11616 Indica Intermediate India ERS468794
CHAMPION IRIS_313-11714 Indica Intermediate Guyana ERS468878
GAO_JIAO_YING_GAN_ZHAN IRIS_313-11748 Indica Intermediate China ERS468912
KHAU_DANH IRIS_313-11893 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS469120
YU_HE_HONG IRIS_313-11910 Indica Intermediate China ERS469053
JIA_GEN IRIS_313-12007 Indica Intermediate China ERS469145
ADUKKAN IRIS_313-12052 Indica Intermediate India ERS469185
CHAO_DO IRIS_313-12329 Indica Intermediate Laos ERS469333
BAT_DO IRIS_313-8341 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS467930
MENTIK_TJERE_BELUT IRIS_313-8368 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS467934
ARC_13252 IRIS_313-8382 Indica Intermediate India ERS467936
SOM_NGHE_AN IRIS_313-8409 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS467793
105 IRIS_313-8783 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERS467974
K8C-263-3 W035 Indica Intermediate Suriname SRR1239838
Red W042 Indica Intermediate Pakistan SRR1239845
Toga W054 Indica Intermediate India SRR1239857
IR_58614-B-B-8-2 W084 Indica Intermediate Philippines SRR1239887
JP_5 W107 Indica Intermediate Pakistan SRR1239910
CM1;_HAIPONG W137 Indica Intermediate Vietnam SRR1239940
Zhongyouzao81 W166 Indica Intermediate Zhejiang SRR1239969
Zihui100 W167 Indica Intermediate Anhui SRR1239970
Babaomi W198 Indica Intermediate China SRR1240001
Linjintangdao W203 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1240006
Tsao_wan_ching W272 Indica Intermediate China SRR1240075