The list of cultivars for vg0229905485 with genotype C in the Indica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Seln_244A6-20 B021 Indica Intermediate Australia ERS470239
American_Rice_ B035 Indica Intermediate United States ERS470252
Santiannuo B044 Indica Intermediate Japan ERS470259
Jinxibai2_ B073 Indica Intermediate China ERS470287
Jinbaoyin_ B075 Indica Intermediate China ERS470289
San**Qishiluo B088 Indica Intermediate China ERS470300
CHANH_148 B184 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS470389
None B186 Indica Intermediate None
Jiangnongzao_1_B B253 Indica Intermediate China ERS470450
Jinghu3_B B254 Indica Intermediate China ERS470451
Swarna C008 Indica Intermediate Guinea SRR1239608
Jinxibai-1 C096 Indica Intermediate Jiangxi SRR1239696
Jinbaoyin C097 Indica Intermediate Fujian SRR1239697
WH105 C105 Indica Intermediate Yunnan SRR1239705
Jiangnongzao1hao C117 Indica Intermediate Jiangxi SRR1239717
Nanxiongzaoyou C162 Indica Intermediate Guangdong SRR1239762
Rubio CX103 Indica Intermediate Peru ERS470468
Zihui_100 CX20 Indica Intermediate China ERS470534
Gaozi CX207 Indica Intermediate China ERS470537
D11 CX288 Indica Intermediate China ERS470598
NPT-114 CX386 Indica Intermediate China ERS470672
None CX439 Indica Intermediate None
None CX449 Indica Intermediate None
None CX454 Indica Intermediate None
None CX479 Indica Intermediate None
Bhavani CX61 Indica Intermediate India ERS470715
Buyagaw GP524 Indica Intermediate Philippine ERR036772
Unnamed GP526 Indica Intermediate Thailand ERR036774
Yizhuai HP180 Indica Intermediate China ERR009689
Honggu-2 HP182 Indica Intermediate China ERR009715
Xiangxian HP183 Indica Intermediate China ERR009925
Huazhan HP201 Indica Intermediate China ERR009721
Zaomabao HP220 Indica Intermediate China ERR009524
Dabaizao HP221 Indica Intermediate China ERR009874
Qihe HP230 Indica Intermediate China ERR009549
Jiangzhan HP231 Indica Intermediate China ERR009910
Simaobai HP238 Indica Intermediate China ERR009604
Hongjiaozhan HP287 Indica Intermediate China ERR009831
Benguzhong HP302 Indica Intermediate China ERR009795
Xibengu HP303 Indica Intermediate China ERR009911
Honghandao-2 HP305 Indica Intermediate China ERR009595
Baihuazhan HP346 Indica Intermediate China ERR009671
Gouzaizhan HP350 Indica Intermediate China ERR009944
Youzhannuo HP352 Indica Intermediate China ERR009894
Aijiaozhong HP353 Indica Intermediate China ERR009674
Dajinggu HP357 Indica Intermediate China ERR009812
Jianan-9 HP411 Indica Intermediate China ERR009775
Hongmidongzhan HP503 Indica Intermediate China ERR009834
Zaokengji HP521 Indica Intermediate China ERR009777
Jiaozhan HP547 Indica Intermediate China ERR009895
TOC-5430 IRIS_313-10054 Indica Intermediate Panama ERS468153
MIN_KE_ZHAN IRIS_313-10191 Indica Intermediate China ERS468173
PSBRC50 IRIS_313-10234 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468178
CUYAMEL_3820 IRIS_313-10263 Indica Intermediate Mexico ERS468185
SICAN IRIS_313-10285 Indica Intermediate Peru ERS467830
RUSTIC IRIS_313-10318 Indica Intermediate Guyana ERS468231
CAMPONI IRIS_313-10325 Indica Intermediate Suriname ERS468195
IR_53650-2B-10-1-2-1 IRIS_313-10359 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS467844
IR_70027-8-2-2-3-2 IRIS_313-10375 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468235
RR_272-17-829 IRIS_313-10412 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS467928
ARC_12124 IRIS_313-10879 Indica Intermediate India ERS469683
ARC_13204 IRIS_313-10894 Indica Intermediate India ERS469700
ARC_13276 IRIS_313-10896 Indica Intermediate India ERS469721
SML-CAMPONI IRIS_313-11253 Indica Intermediate Suriname ERS470048
ARC_14632 IRIS_313-11269 Indica Intermediate India ERS470095
PODAO IRIS_313-11342 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470134
CHIEM_NGAN IRIS_313-11383 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS470175
CHIEM_TONG_NHAT_1 IRIS_313-11384 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS470176
JIANG_HUI_DAO IRIS_313-11576 Indica Intermediate China ERS468770
CHING-LIU IRIS_313-11694 Indica Intermediate China ERS468869
GUANG_QING_334 IRIS_313-11726 Indica Intermediate China ERS468889
QING_ER_XIAO_2 IRIS_313-11730 Indica Intermediate China ERS468893
LOC_TRANG_MUON IRIS_313-11894 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS469036
JIA_GEN IRIS_313-12007 Indica Intermediate China ERS469145
YU_TOU_ZHONG IRIS_313-12011 Indica Intermediate China ERS469149
MAGU IRIS_313-12275 Indica Intermediate China ERS469293
BAT_DO IRIS_313-8341 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS467930
ARC_13252 IRIS_313-8382 Indica Intermediate India ERS467936
LU_MAO_ZHAN IRIS_313-8889 Indica Intermediate China ERS467984
XI_GAN_JING_REN IRIS_313-9184 Indica Intermediate China ERS468033
ROJOFOTSY IRIS_313-9740 Indica Intermediate Madagascar ERS468228
REX*2/BBT_50 IRIS_313-9767 Indica Intermediate United States ERS468114
SML_AWINI IRIS_313-9841 Indica Intermediate Suriname ERS468121
Thang_10 W030 Indica Intermediate Vietnam SRR1239833
Zhongyouzao81 W166 Indica Intermediate Zhejiang SRR1239969
Zihui100 W167 Indica Intermediate Anhui SRR1239970
Bhavani W212 Indica Intermediate India SRR1240015
RUSTYLATE/Zhong_413 W246 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1240049