The list of cultivars for vg0728251632 with genotype C in the Indica II population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
IR64a CX403 Indica II Philippines ERS470689
IR_11297-158-1-1 GP101 Indica II IRRI ERR036705
IR_13543-66 GP105 Indica II IRRI ERR036709
IR_44 GP106 Indica II IRRI ERR036710
IR_39 GP12 Indica II IRRI ERR036616
77-061 GP120 Indica II Philippine ERR036722
IR_15529-256-1 GP136 Indica II IRRI ERR036737
IR_1702-74-3-2 GP16 Indica II IRRI ERR036620
IR_2307-84-2-1-2 GP21 Indica II IRRI ERR036625
IR_3456-21-1-1 GP23 Indica II IRRI ERR036627
X69-56-12-10-6-3 GP64 Indica II Burma ERR036668
Rojfotsy_1285 GP76 Indica II Madagascar ERR036680
IR_4432-28-5 IRIS_313-11517 Indica II Philippines ERS468757
IR_19661-364-1-2-3 IRIS_313-11979 Indica II Philippines ERS469125
IR_73571-3B-11-3-K2 IRIS_313-15906 Indica II Philippines ERS467763
BKN_6987-68-14 W044 Indica II Thailand SRR1239847