The list of cultivars for vg0409515411 with genotype C in the Indica II population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
IRAT_10 B039 Indica II Ivory Coast ERS470256
Hua_564 CX340 Indica II China ERS470624
IR_2006-P12-12-2-R GP111 Indica II IRRI ERR036715
Suweon_294 GP144 Indica II North Korea ERR036745
Suweon_320 GP639 Indica II North Korea ERR036882
IR_533-1-89 GP74 Indica II IRRI ERR036678
SUWEON_311 IRIS_313-10000 Indica II Korea ERS468139
WAS_198-B-3-1-3 IRIS_313-7815 Indica II Senegal ERS468585
Y134 W161 Indica II China SRR1239964