The list of cultivars for vg0920324119 with genotype A in the Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Geng_7623 B141 Intermediate China ERS470351
PeiC122 C051 Intermediate Unknown SRR1239651
None CX261 Intermediate None
Milyang23 CX29 Intermediate North Korea ERS470599
None CX309 Intermediate None
MR39 CX316 Intermediate China ERS470614
YSBR1 CX395 Intermediate China ERS470681
None CX453 Intermediate None
C418 CX6 Intermediate China ERS470713
Baogala GP56 Intermediate Uganda ERR036660
Newrex GP615 Intermediate US ERR036859
milyamg_67 GP635 Intermediate North Korea ERR036878
Zhuoxianxiaobaidao HP381 Intermediate China ERR009499
Zhongjiaohuangmang HP63 Intermediate China ERR009438
SUKAMANDI_1005 IRIS_313-10522 Intermediate Indonesia ERS469407
FRAGRANCE IRIS_313-8184 Intermediate Italy ERS468528
PAOTSUPAGAIAHON IRIS_313-8873 Intermediate China ERS468311
SML_ACORNI IRIS_313-9464 Intermediate Suriname ERS467904
NEWREX IRIS_313-9648 Intermediate United States ERS467811
CIWINI_SML IRIS_313-9939 Intermediate Suriname ERS467768
TAINO_38 W128 Intermediate Taiwan SRR1239931
M3122 W158 Intermediate China SRR1239961
Iksan438 W175 Intermediate Korea SRR1239978
LABELLE W294 Intermediate United States SRR1240097
CPSLO_17 W304 Intermediate United States SRR1240107