The list of cultivars for vg0102697328 with genotype A in the Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
None CX261 Intermediate None
MR39 CX316 Intermediate China ERS470614
C418 CX6 Intermediate China ERS470713
Rata_31-2_(Acc.29388) GP1 Intermediate Bengal ERR036606
Mollika_(sel) GP141 Intermediate Nepal ERR036742
Sesia GP562 Intermediate Albania ERR036810
Xiaozhong HP464 Intermediate China ERR009733
PADI_PULOT_MELAYANG IRIS_313-10705 Intermediate Malaysia ERS469520
ARC_12413 IRIS_313-10881 Intermediate India ERS469686
AMBOHIMANDAY IRIS_313-11754 Intermediate Madagascar ERS468917
BETSILAIZINA IRIS_313-7646 Intermediate Madagascar ERS468592
LATSIBOZAKA_112-1 IRIS_313-7722 Intermediate Madagascar ERS468626
MEDUSA IRIS_313-8067 Intermediate Italy ERS468467
NEWREX IRIS_313-9648 Intermediate United States ERS467811
M3122 W158 Intermediate China SRR1239961