The list of cultivars for vg1212666273 with genotype A in the Indica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
NS252 IRIS_313-10030 Indica Intermediate Madagascar ERS467872
KELIRENY IRIS_313-10102 Indica Intermediate Madagascar ERS467873
CSR-90_IR-2 IRIS_313-10349 Indica Intermediate India ERS467922
CT_9737-6-1-1-2-2P-M IRIS_313-10352 Indica Intermediate Colombia ERS467923
PERUNEL_0-69-18 IRIS_313-10835 Indica Intermediate India ERS469638
MARHARORA IRIS_313-11663 Indica Intermediate Zimbabwe ERS468839
ADUKKAN IRIS_313-12052 Indica Intermediate India ERS469185
MAMORIAKA_114 IRIS_313-7728 Indica Intermediate Madagascar ERS468571
MAKALIOKA_STANDARD IRIS_313-8595 Indica Intermediate Madagascar ERS468250
ROJOFOTSY IRIS_313-9740 Indica Intermediate Madagascar ERS468228