The list of cultivars for vg0430612645 with genotype A in the Indica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
K_24 B040 Indica Intermediate Uganda ERS470257
Xiangzaoxian_7 B064 Indica Intermediate China ERS470278
Qitoubaigu3 B089 Indica Intermediate China ERS470301
Xiaohonggu B091 Indica Intermediate China ERS470303
Shufeng_101 B116 Indica Intermediate China ERS470326
Hongwan_1_ B120 Indica Intermediate China ERS470330
Hongainuo B129 Indica Intermediate China ERS470339
Gu_154 B138 Indica Intermediate China ERS470348
Qingsiai_16B B153 Indica Intermediate China ERS470363
88B B157 Indica Intermediate China ERS470367
Taizhongzailai_1/taizhong65 B159 Indica Intermediate China ERS470369
CHANH_148 B184 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS470389
SLK_2-18-2 B185 Indica Intermediate Laos ERS470390
None B186 Indica Intermediate None
Taizhongxianxuan_2 B197 Indica Intermediate China ERS470401
Biwusheng_ B203 Indica Intermediate China ERS470407
Haolai B219 Indica Intermediate China ERS470420
Menjiading_2 B229 Indica Intermediate China ERS470429
Jinnante_B B247 Indica Intermediate China ERS470445
MOROBEREKAN C009 Indica Intermediate United States SRR1239609
Qingsiai16B C025 Indica Intermediate Guangdong SRR1239625
88B-2 C031 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239631
Shufeng101 C036 Indica Intermediate Sichuan SRR1239636
Momi C053 Indica Intermediate Guangxi SRR1239653
Hongwan1hao C065 Indica Intermediate Fujian SRR1239665
Qitoubaigu C078 Indica Intermediate Yunnan SRR1239678
Sanlicun C090 Indica Intermediate Shanxi SRR1239690
WH105 C105 Indica Intermediate Yunnan SRR1239705
Xiangzaoxian7hao C113 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239713
Gui630 C166 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1239766
Minbeiwanxian C194 Indica Intermediate Fujian SRR1239794
Ziri CX108 Indica Intermediate India ERS470472
Yun_hui_72 CX115 Indica Intermediate China ERS470480
Yetuozai_ CX118 Indica Intermediate China ERS470483
P59279 CX119 Indica Intermediate None ERS470484
TKM6 CX120 Indica Intermediate India ERS470486
Seberang CX147 Indica Intermediate None ERS470511
Ptb33 CX157 Indica Intermediate India ERS470522
Yuexiangzhan_ CX17 Indica Intermediate China ERS470529
None CX178 Indica Intermediate None
SLG1 CX182 Indica Intermediate Japan ERS470531
Zhong_413 CX19 Indica Intermediate China ERS470532
None CX196 Indica Intermediate None
Zihui_100 CX20 Indica Intermediate China ERS470534
IR58821-23-1-3-1 CX233 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470557
Vandana CX236 Indica Intermediate None ERS470560
Carijo CX240 Indica Intermediate Brazil ERS470564
Luyin_46 CX304 Indica Intermediate China ERS470606
Heiheaihui_ CX318 Indica Intermediate China ERS470616
Mengguandamagu CX319 Indica Intermediate China ERS470617
None CX325 Indica Intermediate None
Hua_565 CX341 Indica Intermediate China ERS470625
SAGC??4 CX346 Indica Intermediate China ERS470630
KCD1 CX349 Indica Intermediate None ERS470633
NPT-114 CX386 Indica Intermediate China ERS470672
Huangsizhan_ CX393 Indica Intermediate China ERS470679
Tog7291 CX401 Indica Intermediate Africa ERS470687
IR68552-55-3-2 CX42 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470690
None CX435 Indica Intermediate None
None CX436 Indica Intermediate None
None CX445 Indica Intermediate None
None CX461 Indica Intermediate None
None CX467 Indica Intermediate None
None CX472 Indica Intermediate None
None CX478 Indica Intermediate None
None CX479 Indica Intermediate None
None CX481 Indica Intermediate None
None CX487 Indica Intermediate None
None CX489 Indica Intermediate None
None CX490 Indica Intermediate None
None CX506 Indica Intermediate None
None CX509 Indica Intermediate None
Babaomi CX51 Indica Intermediate China ERS470701
None CX514 Indica Intermediate None
Diandun_502 CX52 Indica Intermediate China ERS470702
Bhavani CX61 Indica Intermediate India ERS470715
IRAT_352 CX64 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470717
MR106 CX68 Indica Intermediate Malaysia ERS470721
MR167 CX69 Indica Intermediate Malaysia ERS470722
MR77(Seberang_) CX70 Indica Intermediate Malaysia ERS470723
C70 CX86 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS470739
Q5 CX87 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS470740
TGMS29 CX93 Indica Intermediate India ERS470747
BG_367-4 GP131 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERR036733
C_1064-13 GP4 Indica Intermediate Philippine ERR036609
Eei-eciet GP44 Indica Intermediate India ERR036648
Buyagaw GP524 Indica Intermediate Philippine ERR036772
Zhuxuenuo HP121 Indica Intermediate China ERR037150
Liuzhuzhan HP218 Indica Intermediate China ERR009863
Zaomabao HP220 Indica Intermediate China ERR009524
Nantianzhan HP246 Indica Intermediate China ERR009657
Guizhounuo HP249 Indica Intermediate China ERR009845
Changruangu HP264 Indica Intermediate China ERR009909
Hongjiaozhan HP287 Indica Intermediate China ERR009831
Jiuyuenuogu HP289 Indica Intermediate China ERR009887
Zhenfanzi HP306 Indica Intermediate China ERR009789
Jiuyuezai HP343 Indica Intermediate China ERR009738
Jijiaonuo HP356 Indica Intermediate China ERR009942
Jianan-9 HP411 Indica Intermediate China ERR009775
Haonuoliang HP422 Indica Intermediate China ERR009821
Honghanzhangu HP445 Indica Intermediate China ERR009707
Ershiyihao HP455 Indica Intermediate China ERR009462
Maweinuo HP499 Indica Intermediate China ERR009446
Ximazagu HP528 Indica Intermediate China ERR009902
Haoanxiu HP529 Indica Intermediate China ERR009848
Hongxinnuo HP530 Indica Intermediate China ERR009752
Jiaozhan HP547 Indica Intermediate China ERR009895
Xiaohongmi HP595 Indica Intermediate China ERR009547
Xiaobaigu HP604 Indica Intermediate China ERR009915
Haonuobi HP607 Indica Intermediate China ERR009594
Erzaogu HP61 Indica Intermediate China ERR009839
Heixiaonuo HP71 Indica Intermediate China ERR009746
BOHOTO_BALOOCHESTAN IRIS_313-10016 Indica Intermediate Iran ERS468143
EX_FOILAEIN(NAPUTO) IRIS_313-10113 Indica Intermediate Mozambique ERS468155
MEI_FENG_9 IRIS_313-10168 Indica Intermediate China ERS468165
MIN_KE_ZHAN IRIS_313-10191 Indica Intermediate China ERS468173
PSBRC68 IRIS_313-10235 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468179
CT_9506-18-7-1T-2 IRIS_313-10300 Indica Intermediate Colombia ERS467916
RUSTIC IRIS_313-10318 Indica Intermediate Guyana ERS468231
B_4414_F-MR-6-3 IRIS_313-10332 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS468302
B_6149_F-MR-7 IRIS_313-10337 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS467919
BR_5230-46-4 IRIS_313-10341 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS467920
CSR-90_IR-2 IRIS_313-10349 Indica Intermediate India ERS467922
IRGA_346-111-2-1F IRIS_313-10399 Indica Intermediate Colombia ERS467925
K_479-2-3 IRIS_313-10404 Indica Intermediate India ERS467927
RR_272-17-829 IRIS_313-10412 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS467928
YN_1353-3 IRIS_313-10423 Indica Intermediate Myanmar ERS467832
CAMPENA IRIS_313-10514 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS469388
ARC_10537 IRIS_313-10856 Indica Intermediate India ERS469659
ARC_10939 IRIS_313-10859 Indica Intermediate India ERS469662
ARC_13204 IRIS_313-10894 Indica Intermediate India ERS469700
T.Q.QI._HAYUQBABA IRIS_313-10917 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS469715
SINTHA IRIS_313-10941 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS469740
HURANG_ARISO_LUTA IRIS_313-10966 Indica Intermediate Brazil ERS469768
BAKASI IRIS_313-10996 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS469792
SUNAR IRIS_313-11011 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS469807
Non_hai IRIS_313-11078 Indica Intermediate Laos ERS469881
DHALA_AMAN_973 IRIS_313-11125 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS469923
MANSAT-3 IRIS_313-11134 Indica Intermediate Myanmar ERS469933
NGALONGYI IRIS_313-11137 Indica Intermediate Myanmar ERS469936
SYNTHETIC_SATIVA IRIS_313-11199 Indica Intermediate India ERS469989
BR52-87-1 IRIS_313-11200 Indica Intermediate India ERS469990
LIGUNGTUNG IRIS_313-11234 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470027
RATNAGIRI_45-2 IRIS_313-11243 Indica Intermediate India ERS470037
ARC_15743 IRIS_313-11283 Indica Intermediate India ERS470071
ARC_18325 IRIS_313-11286 Indica Intermediate India ERS470075
ARC_12800 IRIS_313-11296 Indica Intermediate India ERS470086
BR51-115-4 IRIS_313-11326 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS470119
PODAO IRIS_313-11342 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470134
KHIRPULI IRIS_313-11364 Indica Intermediate India ERS470158
C_1016-1 IRIS_313-11423 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470214
C_166-135 IRIS_313-11431 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468648
ARC_18502 IRIS_313-11442 Indica Intermediate India ERS468659
CULALANSI IRIS_313-11471 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468683
KHAGRAI_DIGHA IRIS_313-11486 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS468697
NGA_CHAN_HMWE IRIS_313-11546 Indica Intermediate Myanmar ERS468745
LANG_QIAN_CHE IRIS_313-11577 Indica Intermediate China ERS468771
NONE IRIS_313-11585 Indica Intermediate China ERS468777
B_3913_B_16-20_ST_28 IRIS_313-11656 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS468833
CHAMPION IRIS_313-11714 Indica Intermediate Guyana ERS468878
MURGI_BRINJ IRIS_313-11889 Indica Intermediate Pakistan ERS469078
IR_10120-7-2-1-4 IRIS_313-11987 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS469200
Chao_bong IRIS_313-12028 Indica Intermediate Laos ERS469162
SHAN_KAUK_HNYIN IRIS_313-12050 Indica Intermediate Myanmar ERS469183
KYAUK_KYI(LEAVES_DROOPING) IRIS_313-12072 Indica Intermediate Myanmar ERS469204
KASHMIRI IRIS_313-12079 Indica Intermediate Pakistan ERS469233
KA_GIL IRIS_313-12080 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS469241
Chao_khaw_nyao IRIS_313-12190 Indica Intermediate Laos ERS469253
SALA IRIS_313-12207 Indica Intermediate Laos ERS469257
LOUK_PASOM IRIS_313-12297 Indica Intermediate Laos ERS469312
NGAM_KON_DAM IRIS_313-12300 Indica Intermediate Laos ERS469315
CHAO_DO IRIS_313-12329 Indica Intermediate Laos ERS469333
IAC_165 IRIS_313-15903 Indica Intermediate Brazil ERS467760
B_6144-MR-6-0-0 IRIS_313-7641 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS468589
IR_55411-50 IRIS_313-7696 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468578
IR_57920-AC-25-2-B IRIS_313-7698 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468570
KOGONI_91-1 IRIS_313-7719 Indica Intermediate Mali ERS468634
ARIANA IRIS_313-8069 Indica Intermediate Romania ERS468530
ARC_18202 IRIS_313-8414 Indica Intermediate India ERS468209
ARC_12884 IRIS_313-8603 Indica Intermediate India ERS467954
105 IRIS_313-8783 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERS467974
PAGAIYAHAN IRIS_313-8880 Indica Intermediate China ERS467983
PING_SHAN_TA_TSWEN_KU IRIS_313-9017 Indica Intermediate China ERS468011
PAMAH_S_18 IRIS_313-9451 Indica Intermediate Thailand ERS468070
NCS840 IRIS_313-9516 Indica Intermediate India ERS467912
NX_3533 IRIS_313-9570 Indica Intermediate China ERS468087
SOLAY_GHAT IRIS_313-9695 Indica Intermediate Pakistan ERS467865
NAZIRA_SAIL IRIS_313-9696 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS467880
KULA_KARUPPAN IRIS_313-9968 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERS468134
Thang_10 W030 Indica Intermediate Vietnam SRR1239833
Toga W054 Indica Intermediate India SRR1239857
TAINUNG_45 W074 Indica Intermediate Taiwan SRR1239877
IR_58614-B-B-8-2 W084 Indica Intermediate Philippines SRR1239887
TD_70 W133 Indica Intermediate Thailand SRR1239936
Shimla_Early W135 Indica Intermediate Iraq SRR1239938
Gang46B W155 Indica Intermediate China SRR1239958
Huajingxian74 W157 Indica Intermediate Guangdong SRR1239960
Yuexiangzhan W163 Indica Intermediate Guangdong SRR1239966
Zhong413 W165 Indica Intermediate Zhejiang SRR1239968
Zhongyouzao81 W166 Indica Intermediate Zhejiang SRR1239969
Zihui100 W167 Indica Intermediate Anhui SRR1239970
TEQING W186 Indica Intermediate Philippines SRR1239989
IR68552-55-3-2 W187 Indica Intermediate Philippines SRR1239990
Babaomi W198 Indica Intermediate China SRR1240001
Diantun502 W199 Indica Intermediate yunnan SRR1240002
Wumanggaonuo W206 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1240009
Bhavani W212 Indica Intermediate India SRR1240015
IR50 W213 Indica Intermediate India SRR1240016
IRAT352 W217 Indica Intermediate Indonesia SRR1240020
TB154E-TB-2 W218 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1240021
MR77_(seberang) W221 Indica Intermediate Philippines SRR1240024
C70 W233 Indica Intermediate Viet Nam SRR1240036
Q5 W234 Indica Intermediate Viet Nam SRR1240037
TGMS29 W240 Indica Intermediate India SRR1240043
TKM6 W245 Indica Intermediate India SRR1240048
SADAJIRA-19-303 W263 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1240066
CHOROFA W264 Indica Intermediate Philippines SRR1240067
La110 W265 Indica Intermediate United States SRR1240068
Wudadaozhong W268 Indica Intermediate South Korea SRR1240071
IR65600-27-1-2-2 W269 Indica Intermediate Philippines SRR1240072
Yetuozai W270 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1240073
Lengshuinuo W322 Indica Intermediate Yunnan SRR1240125