The list of cultivars for vg1218417268 with genotype A in the Indica III population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
BINOLAYANGUN IRIS_313-10448 Indica III Philippines ERS469361
NONE IRIS_313-10628 Indica III India ERS469462
Ea_tia IRIS_313-11083 Indica III Laos ERS469916
ARC_13888_BROWN_SPOTS_ON_STRAW IRIS_313-11262 Indica III India ERS470058
NCS901_A IRIS_313-11650 Indica III India ERS468826
DAWK_PUT IRIS_313-11719 Indica III Thailand ERS468882
DA7 IRIS_313-8703 Indica III Bangladesh ERS468256
KHAO_LEUANG_RAI IRIS_313-9121 Indica III Thailand ERS468027
UNNAMED IRIS_313-9882 Indica III China ERS467795