The list of cultivars for vg0143001958 with genotype A in the Indica III population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
ADT22 IRIS_313-10519 Indica III India ERS469393
NONE IRIS_313-10628 Indica III India ERS469462
ARC_6052 IRIS_313-10664 Indica III India ERS469484
LARONDJAWI IRIS_313-10690 Indica III Indonesia ERS469507
KOUPENEDOU_KOUBOURY IRIS_313-10727 Indica III Senegal ERS469534
HAORU IRIS_313-11129 Indica III Myanmar ERS469928
ARC_15387 IRIS_313-11307 Indica III India ERS470098
NCS599 IRIS_313-11642 Indica III India ERS468818
GOKULGANJA IRIS_313-9433 Indica III India ERS468069