The list of cultivars for vg1216471043 with genotype G in the Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
R42 B192 Intermediate Philippines ERS470396
Compact_Plant_Type_Material CX365 Intermediate China ERS470650
YSBR1 CX395 Intermediate China ERS470681
Pusa(Basmati_1) CX46 Intermediate India ERS470695
Mollika_(sel) GP141 Intermediate Nepal ERR036742
PADI_PULOT_MELAYANG IRIS_313-10705 Intermediate Malaysia ERS469520
ANDEL_WELUT IRIS_313-10738 Intermediate Indonesia ERS469546
ARC_12413 IRIS_313-10881 Intermediate India ERS469686
TELURIKAN IRIS_313-11012 Intermediate Indonesia ERS469808
PALAM_PURI_BAS_137 IRIS_313-11032 Intermediate Pakistan ERS469830
NGAKWE_THETYIN IRIS_313-11136 Intermediate Myanmar ERS469935
LAWANGAI IRIS_313-11417 Intermediate India ERS470208
TANALA IRIS_313-12004 Intermediate Madagascar ERS469142
BETSILAIZINA IRIS_313-7646 Intermediate Madagascar ERS468592
FRAGRANCE IRIS_313-8184 Intermediate Italy ERS468528
LEK IRIS_313-8911 Intermediate Thailand ERS468446
ARC_18061 IRIS_313-8935 Intermediate India ERS467995
WANGKOD IRIS_313-9187 Intermediate Malaysia ERS467852
SML_ACORNI IRIS_313-9464 Intermediate Suriname ERS467904
TIMA IRIS_313-9506 Intermediate Bhutan ERS468078
NEWREX IRIS_313-9648 Intermediate United States ERS467811
C1_6-5-2 IRIS_313-9818 Intermediate Mexico ERS467856
CIWINI_SML IRIS_313-9939 Intermediate Suriname ERS467768
Ragasu W055 Intermediate Taiwan SRR1239858
Santhi_990 W097 Intermediate Pakistan SRR1239900
Pusa_(Basmatil) W191 Intermediate China SRR1239994
ASD16 W192 Intermediate India SRR1239995
LABELLE W294 Intermediate United States SRR1240097
CPSLO_17 W304 Intermediate United States SRR1240107