The list of cultivars for vg1204426116 with genotype T in the All population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Dawannuo B107 Indica Intermediate China ERS470317
MOROBEREKAN C009 Indica Intermediate United States SRR1239609
Teqingxuanhui C044 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1239644
Benbanggu-2 C077 Indica I Yunnan SRR1239677
WH099 C099 Indica Intermediate Guangxi SRR1239699
Qiyuexian C102 Indica Intermediate Guangxi SRR1239702
80B C114 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239714
Chenwan3hao C176 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239776
IRBB7 CX134 Indica II Philippines ERS470500
Tog7291 CX401 Indica Intermediate Africa ERS470687
K_159 GP107 Indica Intermediate Uganda ERR036711
GAMTI_1-34 IRIS_313-10536 Indica Intermediate Tanzania ERS469397
KAYANGYA_D_402 IRIS_313-10575 Indica III Myanmar ERS469433
DD126 IRIS_313-10598 Aus Bangladesh ERS469449
UCP122 IRIS_313-10603 Aus Bangladesh ERS469453
SIDALI IRIS_313-10623 Aus Nepal ERS469461
GODAWEL IRIS_313-10722 Tropical Japonica Sri Lanka ERS469528
GHAIYA IRIS_313-10737 Aus Nepal ERS469545
ARC_5756 IRIS_313-10845 Aus India ERS469648
ARC_10825 IRIS_313-10857 Indica Intermediate India ERS469660
KAMULI IRIS_313-10925 Aus Nepal ERS469724
SUGA_PANKHA IRIS_313-10927 Aus Nepal ERS469726
INDIA_DULAR(NO._ORDEM_7) IRIS_313-10969 Aus Brazil ERS469771
AUS_242 IRIS_313-11051 Aus Bangladesh ERS469851
GASMAL_339 IRIS_313-11066 Intermediate Bangladesh ERS469868
NGALONGYI IRIS_313-11137 Indica Intermediate Myanmar ERS469936
M_142 IRIS_313-11171 Aus India ERS469974
OVAL_RED_29B-601 IRIS_313-11223 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS470015
ARC_18578 IRIS_313-11289 VI/Aromatic India ERS470078
BAJAL IRIS_313-11350 VI/Aromatic India ERS470143
KHAO_DAWK_MALI_TIA IRIS_313-11386 Indica III Thailand ERS470178
MOTANGA IRIS_313-11401 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS470193
KHAO_KUM_PAR IRIS_313-11542 VI/Aromatic Myanmar ERS468741
NGA_CHAN_HMWE IRIS_313-11546 Indica Intermediate Myanmar ERS468745
RATO_BASMATI IRIS_313-11567 VI/Aromatic Nepal ERS468762
CHHOTI_MASHINO IRIS_313-11743 VI/Aromatic Bhutan ERS468907
KASHA IRIS_313-12094 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS469210
TAM IRIS_313-12229 Indica III Laos ERS469268
NIBARI IRIS_313-8731 Indica III India ERS467968
ARC_18112 IRIS_313-8982 Indica Intermediate India ERS468004
JAMBALI IRIS_313-9449 Aus Pakistan ERS467863
KALIA IRIS_313-9626 Aus Bangladesh ERS467787
Warrangal_Culture_1252 W023 Indica III India SRR1239826
RP2151-173-1-8 W051 Indica II India SRR1239854
Sapundali_Local W075 Indica Intermediate India SRR1239878
UZ_ROS_59 W080 Indica I Uzbekistan SRR1239883
Spin_Mere W100 Aus Afghanistan SRR1239903
HKG_98 W105 Aus Mali SRR1239908
JP_5 W107 Indica Intermediate Pakistan SRR1239910
Hi_Muke W108 Aus Kazakhstan SRR1239911
ir6 W222 Indica II Pakistan SRR1240025
IR_36 W298 Indica II Philippines SRR1240101
AGNO_(PSBRC28) W307 Indica II Philippines SRR1240110