The list of cultivars for vg1128161380 with genotype A in the Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Bawangbian_1 B084 Intermediate China ERS470296
Ninghui_21 B142 Intermediate China ERS470352
Mambo-SaSa_342 GP57 Intermediate Madagascar ERR036661
UKON-NISHIKI IRIS_313-10585 Intermediate Japan ERS469442
GOGO IRIS_313-10739 Intermediate Indonesia ERS469547
PALAM_PURI_BAS_137 IRIS_313-11032 Intermediate Pakistan ERS469830
PAIZ-AMBARBU IRIS_313-11189 Intermediate Russia ERS469979
LAWANGAI IRIS_313-11417 Intermediate India ERS470208
TANALA IRIS_313-12004 Intermediate Madagascar ERS469142
BETSILAIZINA IRIS_313-7646 Intermediate Madagascar ERS468592
FRAGRANCE IRIS_313-8184 Intermediate Italy ERS468528
NEWREX IRIS_313-9648 Intermediate United States ERS467811
M3122 W158 Intermediate China SRR1239961
Ginga W261 Intermediate Japan SRR1240064