The list of cultivars for vg1122886718 with genotype A in the Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Bawangbian_1 B084 Intermediate China ERS470296
Ninghui_21 B142 Intermediate China ERS470352
Ginga CX112 Intermediate Japan ERS470477
None CX195 Intermediate None
None CX453 Intermediate None
Rata_31-2_(Acc.29388) GP1 Intermediate Bengal ERR036606
milyamg_67 GP635 Intermediate North Korea ERR036878
Xuanhuangnuo HP41 Intermediate China ERR037115
UKON-NISHIKI IRIS_313-10585 Intermediate Japan ERS469442
ANDEL_WELUT IRIS_313-10738 Intermediate Indonesia ERS469546
GASMAL_339 IRIS_313-11066 Intermediate Bangladesh ERS469868
ARC_12757 IRIS_313-11257 Intermediate India ERS470052
Ginga W261 Intermediate Japan SRR1240064
LABELLE W294 Intermediate United States SRR1240097
Sibeitichao6 W328 Intermediate Beijing SRR1240131