The list of cultivars for vg0403205910 with genotype T in the Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
ARC_12757 IRIS_313-11257 Intermediate India ERS470052
ARC_6579 IRIS_313-11290 Intermediate India ERS470079
KOCHUM IRIS_313-11690 Intermediate Bhutan ERS468865
FRAGRANCE IRIS_313-8184 Intermediate Italy ERS468528
ARC_18061 IRIS_313-8935 Intermediate India ERS467995
TIMA IRIS_313-9506 Intermediate Bhutan ERS468078
A_152 W079 Intermediate Bangladesh SRR1239882
Yong_Chal_Byo W125 Intermediate South Korea SRR1239928