The list of cultivars for vg0335310534 with genotype T in the Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Jineiyadao_ B020 Intermediate Guinea ERS470238
R42 B192 Intermediate Philippines ERS470396
None CX261 Intermediate None
MR39 CX316 Intermediate China ERS470614
Compact_Plant_Type_Material CX365 Intermediate China ERS470650
Pusa(Basmati_1) CX46 Intermediate India ERS470695
C418 CX6 Intermediate China ERS470713
Newrex GP615 Intermediate US ERR036859
milyamg_67 GP635 Intermediate North Korea ERR036878
Xiaozhong HP464 Intermediate China ERR009733
PALAM_PURI_BAS_137 IRIS_313-11032 Intermediate Pakistan ERS469830
ARC_6579 IRIS_313-11290 Intermediate India ERS470079
PULUT_MERAH_2 IRIS_313-11591 Intermediate Malaysia ERS468780
ARC_18061 IRIS_313-8935 Intermediate India ERS467995
A_152 W079 Intermediate Bangladesh SRR1239882
M3122 W158 Intermediate China SRR1239961
Pusa_(Basmatil) W191 Intermediate China SRR1239994
ASD16 W192 Intermediate India SRR1239995
NAN-29-2 W196 Intermediate Unknown SRR1239999
LABELLE W294 Intermediate United States SRR1240097