The list of cultivars for vg0810151808 with genotype T in the Indica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
88B B157 Indica Intermediate China ERS470367
88B-1 C030 Indica Intermediate Jiangsu SRR1239630
88B-2 C031 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239631
Zaoxian_14 CX18 Indica Intermediate China ERS470530
None CX253 Indica Intermediate None
None CX476 Indica Intermediate None
None CX541 Indica Intermediate None
Chongfubao HP612 Indica Intermediate China ERR009619
GENG_77-4 IRIS_313-11570 Indica Intermediate China ERS468764
YI_LI_ZHONG IRIS_313-11735 Indica Intermediate China ERS468898
L_10595 IRIS_313-11750 Indica Intermediate China ERS468913
Gang46B W155 Indica Intermediate China SRR1239958
Zaoxian14 W164 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1239967