The list of cultivars for vg0809692778 with genotype T in the Indica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Santiannuo B044 Indica Intermediate Japan ERS470259
Qingsiai_16B B153 Indica Intermediate China ERS470363
88B B157 Indica Intermediate China ERS470367
88B-1 C030 Indica Intermediate Jiangsu SRR1239630
88B-2 C031 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239631
Rubio CX103 Indica Intermediate Peru ERS470468
Zaoxian_14 CX18 Indica Intermediate China ERS470530
None CX253 Indica Intermediate None
93072 CX4 Indica Intermediate China ERS470685
None CX476 Indica Intermediate None
None CX541 Indica Intermediate None
IR_1416-131-5 GP119 Indica Intermediate IRRI ERR036721
Te-tep GP41 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERR036645
Balsamo GP633 Indica Intermediate Philippine ERR036876
IR_5533-PP856-1 GP68 Indica Intermediate IRRI ERR036672
Yizhuai HP180 Indica Intermediate China ERR009689
Hongdounuo HP197 Indica Intermediate China ERR009653
Jiankenuo HP198 Indica Intermediate China ERR009672
Dingzhounuo HP205 Indica Intermediate China ERR009598
Zaomabao HP220 Indica Intermediate China ERR009524
Hongjiaozhan HP287 Indica Intermediate China ERR009831
Jijiaonuo HP356 Indica Intermediate China ERR009942
Zaowangzainuo HP495 Indica Intermediate China ERR009726
Hunuo HP497 Indica Intermediate China ERR009536
Chongfubao HP612 Indica Intermediate China ERR009619
DHALA_AMAN_973 IRIS_313-11125 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS469923
ARC_13919 IRIS_313-11263 Indica Intermediate India ERS470059
CHIEM_NGAN IRIS_313-11383 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS470175
CHIEM_TONG_NHAT_1 IRIS_313-11384 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS470176
YI_LI_ZHONG IRIS_313-11735 Indica Intermediate China ERS468898
L_10595 IRIS_313-11750 Indica Intermediate China ERS468913
LOC_TRANG_MUON IRIS_313-11894 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS469036
RAYADA IRIS_313-9108 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS467825
Gang46B W155 Indica Intermediate China SRR1239958
Zaoxian14 W164 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1239967