The list of cultivars for vg0406880594 with genotype T in the Indica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Xiangzaoxian_7 B064 Indica Intermediate China ERS470278
Dawannuo B107 Indica Intermediate China ERS470317
Chenwan_3_ B113 Indica Intermediate China ERS470323
Shufeng_101 B116 Indica Intermediate China ERS470326
Qingsiai_16B B153 Indica Intermediate China ERS470363
88B B157 Indica Intermediate China ERS470367
Taizhongxianxuan_2 B197 Indica Intermediate China ERS470401
Baoxie_123B B202 Indica Intermediate China ERS470406
Xiangwanxian_1__ B233 Indica Intermediate China ERS470432
Jiangnongzao_1_B B253 Indica Intermediate China ERS470450
Jinghu3_B B254 Indica Intermediate China ERS470451
Dianrui409B C027 Indica Intermediate Yunnan SRR1239627
Xugunuo C168 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239768
Taizhongzailai1 C169 Indica Intermediate Taiwan SRR1239769
Zhengxian232 C175 Indica Intermediate Jiangsu SRR1239775
IR65600-27-1-2-2 CX117 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470482
Seberang CX147 Indica Intermediate None ERS470511
BR11 CX2 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS470533
Zihui_100 CX20 Indica Intermediate China ERS470534
None CX222 Indica Intermediate None
None CX256 Indica Intermediate None
MONOLAYA CX265 Indica Intermediate United States ERS470577
BR24 CX3 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS470603
None CX435 Indica Intermediate None
None CX449 Indica Intermediate None
None CX473 Indica Intermediate None
None CX474 Indica Intermediate None
None CX479 Indica Intermediate None
None CX540 Indica Intermediate None
None CX550 Indica Intermediate None
IR_70027-8-2-2-3-2 IRIS_313-10375 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468235
K_479-2-3 IRIS_313-10404 Indica Intermediate India ERS467927
PTB18 IRIS_313-10523 Indica Intermediate India ERS469416
ARC_13204 IRIS_313-10894 Indica Intermediate India ERS469700
BENA_JHUPI IRIS_313-11165 Indica Intermediate India ERS469967
ARC_14975 IRIS_313-11275 Indica Intermediate India ERS470063
CN44-40-7 IRIS_313-11355 Indica Intermediate India ERS470149
LANG_QIAN_CHE IRIS_313-11577 Indica Intermediate China ERS468771
QING_TAI_AI IRIS_313-11731 Indica Intermediate China ERS468894
L_10595 IRIS_313-11750 Indica Intermediate China ERS468913
L_10833 IRIS_313-11751 Indica Intermediate China ERS468914
AI_JIAO_ZI IRIS_313-12057 Indica Intermediate China ERS469189
NONE IRIS_313-12067 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS469198
E_2040 IRIS_313-8914 Indica Intermediate China ERS467988