The list of cultivars for vg1219947304 with genotype T in the Indica III population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
KHAYANGYA_D_34-181 IRIS_313-10518 Indica III Myanmar ERS469392
KAYANGYA_D_402 IRIS_313-10575 Indica III Myanmar ERS469433
KETAN_URANG IRIS_313-10786 Indica III Indonesia ERS469594
KETAN_RASO IRIS_313-10998 Indica III Indonesia ERS469794
ARC_13888_BROWN_SPOTS_ON_STRAW IRIS_313-11262 Indica III India ERS470058
ARC_15455 IRIS_313-11279 Indica III India ERS470067
ARC_15373 IRIS_313-11305 Indica III India ERS470096
MALAGASY IRIS_313-11782 Indica III Zambia ERS468938
SINDANO3 IRIS_313-11932 Indica III Kenya ERS469077
MAVOLATSIKA IRIS_313-12082 Indica III Madagascar ERS469206
SARIN-TSIPALA IRIS_313-12083 Indica III Madagascar ERS469207