The list of cultivars for vg0818156224 with genotype T in the Indica III population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
MOVE(MOKOLE) IRIS_313-10048 Indica III Benin ERS468151
DUBRAJ IRIS_313-11167 Indica III India ERS469969
ARC_15929 IRIS_313-11310 Indica III India ERS470101
NCS477 IRIS_313-11641 Indica III India ERS468817
VARY_LAVA_DE_BOLOGNE IRIS_313-11767 Indica III Madagascar ERS468931
BHU_BHUSI IRIS_313-11823 Indica III India ERS468974
LALI_GURMATIA IRIS_313-11828 Indica III India ERS468979
MAMORIAKA IRIS_313-11977 Indica III Madagascar ERS469123
MAVOLATSIKA IRIS_313-12082 Indica III Madagascar ERS469206
OVIBENAMPOTAKA_+_OVIBE_+_MAKALIOKA IRIS_313-12118 Indica III Madagascar ERS469218
SURMATIYA IRIS_313-8303 Indica III India ERS467931
PATMADHAI_1 IRIS_313-8632 Indica III Bangladesh ERS467959
GOJOL_GORIA IRIS_313-9139 Indica III Bangladesh ERS468029
NCS237 IRIS_313-9492 Indica III India ERS467879