The list of cultivars for vg0208721621 with genotype T in the Indica II population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Zaoshuxianghei C163 Indica II Guangxi SRR1239763
Chorofa CX150 Indica II Philippines ERS470515
None CX190 Indica II None
R106 CX313 Indica II China ERS470611
None CX448 Indica II None
IR_2006-P12-12-2-R GP111 Indica II IRRI ERR036715
Suweon_290 GP137 Indica II North Korea ERR036738
C_1252-9 GP143 Indica II Philippine ERR036744
IR_4427-253-5-1 GP29 Indica II IRRI ERR036633
C GP32 Indica II Philippine ERR036636
C_3 GP33 Indica II Philippine ERR036637
IR_4227-109-1-3 GP65 Indica II IRRI ERR036669
IR_2451-9-4-3 GP78 Indica II IRRI ERR036682
SUWEON_311 IRIS_313-10000 Indica II Korea ERS468139
IR_56 IRIS_313-10167 Indica II Philippines ERS468164
PSBRC86 IRIS_313-10237 Indica II Philippines ERS468180
PSBRC88 IRIS_313-10238 Indica II Philippines ERS468181
IR_65483-111-5-9-2-11 IRIS_313-10366 Indica II Philippines ERS468199
CAMPECHE_A79 IRIS_313-11437 Indica II Mexico ERS468654
TV30 IRIS_313-11507 Indica II Vietnam ERS468715
IR_77298-14-1-2-10 IRIS_313-15901 Indica II Philippines ERS467758
IR_77186-122-2-2-3 IRIS_313-15902 Indica II Philippines ERS467759
SEBERANG_MR77 IRIS_313-7773 Indica II Mali ERS468575
KHAO_GRADOOK_CHAHNG IRIS_313-9032 Indica II Thailand ERS468015
AUS_177 IRIS_313-9066 Indica II Bangladesh ERS468017
BKN_6987-68-14 W044 Indica II Thailand SRR1239847
PSB_RC_66 W185 Indica II Philippines SRR1239988
NSICRC122 W309 Indica II Philippines SRR1240112
OM_2517 W313 Indica II Viet Nam SRR1240116