The list of cultivars for vg0900764359 with genotype G in the VI/Aromatic population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
ARC_7281 IRIS_313-10933 VI/Aromatic India ERS469733
LAL_AMAN_207 IRIS_313-11217 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS470008
BADSHABHOG_4-60 IRIS_313-11218 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS470009
OVAL_RED_29B-601 IRIS_313-11223 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS470015
ARC_13515 IRIS_313-11259 VI/Aromatic India ERS470054
JALADHI_1 IRIS_313-11360 VI/Aromatic India ERS470154
KEYA_NUNIA IRIS_313-11362 VI/Aromatic India ERS470156
MOTANGA IRIS_313-11401 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS470193
KHAO_KUM_PAR IRIS_313-11542 VI/Aromatic Myanmar ERS468741
P_335 IRIS_313-11765 VI/Aromatic Liberia ERS468929
HIRA_NAKHI IRIS_313-11826 VI/Aromatic India ERS468977
JC1 IRIS_313-8326 VI/Aromatic India ERS467814
JC149 IRIS_313-8385 VI/Aromatic India ERS467901
ARC_13829 IRIS_313-8712 VI/Aromatic India ERS467769
TK-RED_35-799 IRIS_313-9682 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS467908
Ak_Tokhum W050 VI/Aromatic Azerbaijan SRR1239853