The list of cultivars for vg0203433343 with genotype G in the VI/Aromatic population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
HR22 IRIS_313-10531 VI/Aromatic India ERS469395
RAM_SALEE_KATAKA IRIS_313-10926 VI/Aromatic Nepal ERS469725
PANKAIT_31 IRIS_313-11068 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS469870
LAL_AMAN_207 IRIS_313-11217 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS470008
OVAL_RED_29B-601 IRIS_313-11223 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS470015
ARC_14663 IRIS_313-11270 VI/Aromatic India ERS470106
BUCHI IRIS_313-11352 VI/Aromatic India ERS470145
NONE IRIS_313-11375 VI/Aromatic India ERS470168
KARISHNABELI IRIS_313-11628 VI/Aromatic Nepal ERS468807
CHHOTI_MASHINO IRIS_313-11743 VI/Aromatic Bhutan ERS468907
ARC_7091 IRIS_313-8498 VI/Aromatic India ERS467860
KOIYA_DIGHA IRIS_313-9445 VI/Aromatic Bangladesh ERS467903
Ak_Tokhum W050 VI/Aromatic Azerbaijan SRR1239853
SADRI_RICE_1 W252 VI/Aromatic Iran SRR1240055