The list of cultivars for vg0625654852 with genotype G in the Japonica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Dacca6 CX109 Japonica Intermediate Philippines ERS470473
Amareles CX139 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS470502
C349 CX286 Japonica Intermediate China ERS470596
CAU1 CX353 Japonica Intermediate China ERS470638
Baru GP611 Japonica Intermediate Australia ERR036855
Nato_CI8998 GP617 Japonica Intermediate US ERR036861
J229 GP680 Japonica Intermediate Cuba ERR036923
NOVELLI_GIGANTE GP685 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERR036928
KALAPATLE IRIS_313-10025 Japonica Intermediate Madagascar ERS468412
ESTRELA_A IRIS_313-10061 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468413
REA IRIS_313-10062 Japonica Intermediate Greece ERS468414
BULI_INIA IRIS_313-10258 Japonica Intermediate Chile ERS467900
PDR_34-2-1-2 IRIS_313-10295 Japonica Intermediate Pakistan ERS468191
ARC_11338 IRIS_313-10864 Japonica Intermediate India ERS469667
ARC_11424 IRIS_313-10865 Japonica Intermediate India ERS469668
JUNGEMARSI IRIS_313-11956 Japonica Intermediate Nepal ERS469101
KAKANI_2 IRIS_313-7933 Japonica Intermediate Nepal ERS468611
GRALDO IRIS_313-8041 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468509
PELDE IRIS_313-8076 Japonica Intermediate Australia ERS468495
HAREM IRIS_313-8116 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468483
MESTRE IRIS_313-8121 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468501
SANDOCA IRIS_313-8139 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468536
GIGANTE_VERCELLI IRIS_313-8154 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468526
CT_23 IRIS_313-8158 Japonica Intermediate Colombia ERS468637
CT_36 IRIS_313-8159 Japonica Intermediate Colombia ERS468638
GLADIO IRIS_313-8185 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468549
IMPROVED_BLUE_ROSE IRIS_313-9366 Japonica Intermediate United States ERS468395
FORTUNA_INIA IRIS_313-9980 Japonica Intermediate Argentina ERS468411