The list of cultivars for vg1115582589 with genotype G in the Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
PADI_PULOT_MELAYANG IRIS_313-10705 Intermediate Malaysia ERS469520
GOGO IRIS_313-10739 Intermediate Indonesia ERS469547
PULUT_MERAH_2 IRIS_313-11591 Intermediate Malaysia ERS468780
AMBOHIMANDAY IRIS_313-11754 Intermediate Madagascar ERS468917
TANALA IRIS_313-12004 Intermediate Madagascar ERS469142
POENOET_HITAM IRIS_313-8324 Intermediate Indonesia ERS467801
LEK IRIS_313-8911 Intermediate Thailand ERS468446
E-LONG_MAH IRIS_313-9600 Intermediate Thailand ERS468093
A_152 W079 Intermediate Bangladesh SRR1239882
CPSLO_17 W304 Intermediate United States SRR1240107