The list of cultivars for vg0103097560 with genotype G in the Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Muguanuo_ B086 Intermediate China ERS470298
Geng_7623 B141 Intermediate China ERS470351
Ginga CX112 Intermediate Japan ERS470477
GASMAL_339 IRIS_313-11066 Intermediate Bangladesh ERS469868
PAIZ-AMBARBU IRIS_313-11189 Intermediate Russia ERS469979
FRAGRANCE IRIS_313-8184 Intermediate Italy ERS468528
PAOTSUPAGAIAHON IRIS_313-8873 Intermediate China ERS468311
SONAPATNAI IRIS_313-9120 Intermediate India ERS468026
TIMA IRIS_313-9506 Intermediate Bhutan ERS468078
Ginga W261 Intermediate Japan SRR1240064