The list of cultivars for vg1209299412 with genotype G in the Indica III population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
RIZ_TYPE_SORGHO IRIS_313-10035 Indica III Madagascar ERS468147
CASIBON IRIS_313-10441 Indica III Philippines ERS469358
LARONDJAWI IRIS_313-10690 Indica III Indonesia ERS469507
KETAN_URANG IRIS_313-10786 Indica III Indonesia ERS469594
Khao_hae IRIS_313-11085 Indica III Laos ERS469938
Mak_ea_nam IRIS_313-11095 Indica III Laos ERS469890
HAORU IRIS_313-11129 Indica III Myanmar ERS469928
VARY_LAVA_DE_BOLOGNE IRIS_313-11767 Indica III Madagascar ERS468931
MUDALIGA_WEE IRIS_313-11916 Indica III Sri Lanka ERS469060
HD10 IRIS_313-9795 Indica III Australia ERS468117