The list of cultivars for vg0817799843 with genotype G in the Aus population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
DV_110 GP104 Aus Bengal ERR036708
DNJ_126 GP124 Aus Bengal ERR036726
Bate_Aus GP538 Aus India ERR036786
Bhat_Mukhu GP8 Aus Bengal ERR036612
ARC_11822 IRIS_313-10873 Aus India ERS469677
Gallawa W091 Aus Sri Lanka SRR1239894
DJ_102 W096 Aus Bangladesh SRR1239899
Hi_Muke W108 Aus Kazakhstan SRR1239911
Ittikulama W140 Aus Sri Lanka SRR1239943