The list of cultivars for vg0922305528 with genotype C in the Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Jineiyadao_ B020 Intermediate Guinea ERS470238
Bawangbian_1 B084 Intermediate China ERS470296
Ninghui_21 B142 Intermediate China ERS470352
Compact_Plant_Type_Material CX365 Intermediate China ERS470650
Mambo-SaSa_342 GP57 Intermediate Madagascar ERR036661
UKON-NISHIKI IRIS_313-10585 Intermediate Japan ERS469442
NGAKWE_THETYIN IRIS_313-11136 Intermediate Myanmar ERS469935
TIMA IRIS_313-9506 Intermediate Bhutan ERS468078
Yong_Chal_Byo W125 Intermediate South Korea SRR1239928