The list of cultivars for vg0402121041 with genotype C in the Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Jineiyadao_ B020 Intermediate Guinea ERS470238
R42 B192 Intermediate Philippines ERS470396
PeiC122 C051 Intermediate Unknown SRR1239651
None CX261 Intermediate None
None CX309 Intermediate None
MR39 CX316 Intermediate China ERS470614
Tog5674 CX400 Intermediate Africa ERS470686
Tog6542 CX402 Intermediate Africa ERS470688
None CX453 Intermediate None
Mollika_(sel) GP141 Intermediate Nepal ERR036742
Mambo-SaSa_342 GP57 Intermediate Madagascar ERR036661
milyamg_67 GP635 Intermediate North Korea ERR036878
Zhuoxianxiaobaidao HP381 Intermediate China ERR009499
MALOGBANA IRIS_313-10729 Intermediate Ivory Coast ERS469536
SML_ACORNI IRIS_313-9464 Intermediate Suriname ERS467904
E-LONG_MAH IRIS_313-9600 Intermediate Thailand ERS468093
CIWINI_SML IRIS_313-9939 Intermediate Suriname ERS467768
Santhi_990 W097 Intermediate Pakistan SRR1239900
Iksan438 W175 Intermediate Korea SRR1239978
ASD16 W192 Intermediate India SRR1239995