The list of cultivars for vg0205285484 with genotype C in the Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Geng_7623 B141 Intermediate China ERS470351
Tjantajan B173 Intermediate Indonesia ERS470382
Ginga CX112 Intermediate Japan ERS470477
IR47686-4-4-B-1 CX242 Intermediate Philippines ERS470566
None CX309 Intermediate None
Compact_Plant_Type_Material CX365 Intermediate China ERS470650
YSBR1 CX395 Intermediate China ERS470681
Tog6542 CX402 Intermediate Africa ERS470688
Rata_31-2_(Acc.29388) GP1 Intermediate Bengal ERR036606
Mollika_(sel) GP141 Intermediate Nepal ERR036742
Mambo-SaSa_342 GP57 Intermediate Madagascar ERR036661
Newrex GP615 Intermediate US ERR036859
ARC_12413 IRIS_313-10881 Intermediate India ERS469686
PALAM_PURI_BAS_137 IRIS_313-11032 Intermediate Pakistan ERS469830
GASMAL_339 IRIS_313-11066 Intermediate Bangladesh ERS469868
PAIZ-AMBARBU IRIS_313-11189 Intermediate Russia ERS469979
ARC_6579 IRIS_313-11290 Intermediate India ERS470079
LATSIBOZAKA_112-1 IRIS_313-7722 Intermediate Madagascar ERS468626
MEDUSA IRIS_313-8067 Intermediate Italy ERS468467
SONAPATNAI IRIS_313-9120 Intermediate India ERS468026
E-LONG_MAH IRIS_313-9600 Intermediate Thailand ERS468093
BERENJ_1277_S IRIS_313-9783 Intermediate Afghanistan ERS467817
Yong_Chal_Byo W125 Intermediate South Korea SRR1239928
TAINO_38 W128 Intermediate Taiwan SRR1239931
Ginga W261 Intermediate Japan SRR1240064
LABELLE W294 Intermediate United States SRR1240097
CPSLO_17 W304 Intermediate United States SRR1240107