The list of cultivars for vg1122387797 with genotype C in the Indica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Sri_Lanka_1_ B013 Indica Intermediate Sri lanka ERS470231
Shan-Huang_Zhan-2-1_ C006 Indica Intermediate China SRR1239606
Shan-Huang_Zhan-2-2_ C007 Indica Intermediate India SRR1239607
88B-1 C030 Indica Intermediate Jiangsu SRR1239630
88B-2 C031 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239631
Shufeng101 C036 Indica Intermediate Sichuan SRR1239636
Guichao2hao C042 Indica Intermediate Guangdong SRR1239642
Jinyou1hao C049 Indica Intermediate Fujian SRR1239649
Menjiagao1 C094 Indica Intermediate Hainan SRR1239694
Jinxibai-1 C096 Indica Intermediate Jiangxi SRR1239696
Jinbaoyin C097 Indica Intermediate Fujian SRR1239697
Hongainuo C098 Indica Intermediate Guangxi SRR1239698
WH099 C099 Indica Intermediate Guangxi SRR1239699
WH100 C100 Indica Intermediate Hubei SRR1239700
Qiyuexian C102 Indica Intermediate Guangxi SRR1239702
WH105 C105 Indica Intermediate Yunnan SRR1239705
Xiangzaoxian7hao C113 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239713
80B C114 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239714
XiangaiB C121 Indica Intermediate Jiangxi SRR1239721
menjiading2 C124 Indica Intermediate Hainan SRR1239724
Aihechi C129 Indica Intermediate Jiangxi SRR1239729
Baoxie-7B C160 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239760
Nanxiongzaoyou C162 Indica Intermediate Guangdong SRR1239762
Gui630 C166 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1239766
Xugunuo C168 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239768
Zhengxian232 C175 Indica Intermediate Jiangsu SRR1239775
Chenwan3hao C176 Indica Intermediate Hunan SRR1239776
Minbeiwanxian C194 Indica Intermediate Fujian SRR1239794
Rubio CX103 Indica Intermediate Peru ERS470468
93072 CX4 Indica Intermediate China ERS470685
H_5 GP103 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERR036707
K_159 GP107 Indica Intermediate Uganda ERR036711
Madagascar GP109 Indica Intermediate Madagascar ERR036713
Lebonot GP115 Indica Intermediate US ERR036717
IR_1416-131-5 GP119 Indica Intermediate IRRI ERR036721
Cs_2 GP125 Indica Intermediate Ivory Coast ERR036727
BG_367-4 GP131 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERR036733
Secano_do_Brazil GP3 Indica Intermediate Brazil ERR036608
Hr_33 GP37 Indica Intermediate Philippine ERR036641
Te-tep GP41 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERR036645
Eei-eciet GP44 Indica Intermediate India ERR036648
Unnamed GP526 Indica Intermediate Thailand ERR036774
Nonglinnuo-184 GP553 Indica Intermediate Japan ERR036801
ASD7 GP58 Indica Intermediate India ERR036662
CR_584-11-1-6 GP589 Indica Intermediate Egypt ERR036835
Balsamo GP633 Indica Intermediate Philippine ERR036876
Kinandang_Patong GP75 Indica Intermediate Philippine ERR036679
IEF_2911 GP83 Indica Intermediate India ERR036687
IR_9397-221-1-1 GP90 Indica Intermediate IRRI ERR036694
IR_10154-20-3-3 GP92 Indica Intermediate IRRI ERR036696
Zhuxuenuo HP121 Indica Intermediate China ERR037150
Ningdexian HP177 Indica Intermediate China ERR009739
Yanjing HP179 Indica Intermediate China ERR009626
Baiyinqiu HP181 Indica Intermediate China ERR009589
Hongdounuo HP197 Indica Intermediate China ERR009653
Jiankenuo HP198 Indica Intermediate China ERR009672
Shipishu HP199 Indica Intermediate China ERR009759
Mazimang HP207 Indica Intermediate China ERR009675
baimizai HP209 Indica Intermediate China ERR009803
Yizhixiangshu HP212 Indica Intermediate China ERR009899
Leigongman HP213 Indica Intermediate China ERR009879
Hongmiguyoumang HP215 Indica Intermediate China ERR009809
Zaomabao HP220 Indica Intermediate China ERR009524
Dabaizao HP221 Indica Intermediate China ERR009874
Qihe HP230 Indica Intermediate China ERR009549
Yahezhong HP237 Indica Intermediate China ERR009851
Datiezao HP239 Indica Intermediate China ERR009947
Yanshuichi HP240 Indica Intermediate China ERR009673
Changruangu HP264 Indica Intermediate China ERR009909
Hongjiaozhan HP287 Indica Intermediate China ERR009831
Jiuyuenuogu HP289 Indica Intermediate China ERR009887
Baiguxiang HP297 Indica Intermediate China ERR009685
Benguzhong HP302 Indica Intermediate China ERR009795
Hanzhangu HP304 Indica Intermediate China ERR009811
Zhenfanzi HP306 Indica Intermediate China ERR009789
Hongbaizhanhangu HP328 Indica Intermediate China ERR009603
Wenchangzhan HP342 Indica Intermediate China ERR009734
Baihuazhan HP346 Indica Intermediate China ERR009671
Qiwei HP347 Indica Intermediate China ERR009677
Suixihongxu HP348 Indica Intermediate China ERR009522
Youzhannuo HP352 Indica Intermediate China ERR009894
Aijiaozhong HP353 Indica Intermediate China ERR009674
Haoganduo HP355 Indica Intermediate China ERR009634
Jianan-9 HP411 Indica Intermediate China ERR009775
Hongzuigu HP412 Indica Intermediate China ERR009854
Haonuoliang HP422 Indica Intermediate China ERR009821
Liutiaozi HP440 Indica Intermediate China ERR009573
Ershiyihao HP455 Indica Intermediate China ERR009462
Jiangxiwan HP476 Indica Intermediate China ERR009843
Baimidongzhan HP481 Indica Intermediate China ERR009652
Maweizhan HP494 Indica Intermediate China ERR009556
Zaowangzainuo HP495 Indica Intermediate China ERR009726
Hunuo HP497 Indica Intermediate China ERR009536
Niutouwu HP520 Indica Intermediate China ERR009622
Zaokengji HP521 Indica Intermediate China ERR009777
Yizhixiang HP523 Indica Intermediate China ERR009708
Laobaijing HP527 Indica Intermediate China ERR009872
Ximazagu HP528 Indica Intermediate China ERR009902
Haoanxiu HP529 Indica Intermediate China ERR009848
Hongxinnuo HP530 Indica Intermediate China ERR009752
Jiaozhan HP547 Indica Intermediate China ERR009895
Lengshuizi(Yehe) HP555 Indica Intermediate China ERR009599
Xiaohongmi HP595 Indica Intermediate China ERR009547
Dahongjiao-3 HP597 Indica Intermediate China ERR009477
Wuke-4 HP609 Indica Intermediate China ERR009893
Qinglannuo HP610 Indica Intermediate China ERR009575
Guanghongba HP611 Indica Intermediate China ERR009568
Chongfubao HP612 Indica Intermediate China ERR009619
CSR-90_IR-2 IRIS_313-10349 Indica Intermediate India ERS467922
PODAO IRIS_313-11342 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS470134
GENG_77-4 IRIS_313-11570 Indica Intermediate China ERS468764
B_3913_B_16-20_ST_28 IRIS_313-11656 Indica Intermediate Indonesia ERS468833
Ai_Chueh_Ta_Pai_Ku W029 Indica Intermediate Taiwan SRR1239832
Thang_10 W030 Indica Intermediate Vietnam SRR1239833
Manga_Kely_694 W037 Indica Intermediate Madagascar SRR1239840
Toga W054 Indica Intermediate India SRR1239857
Shui_Ya_Jien W070 Indica Intermediate Hong Kong SRR1239873
TAINUNG_45 W074 Indica Intermediate Taiwan SRR1239877
Sapundali_Local W075 Indica Intermediate India SRR1239878
B805D-MR-16-8-3 W078 Indica Intermediate Indonesia SRR1239881
CNTLR80076-44-1-1-1 W083 Indica Intermediate Thailand SRR1239886
IR_58614-B-B-8-2 W084 Indica Intermediate Philippines SRR1239887
AMANE W101 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka SRR1239904
Shimla_Early W135 Indica Intermediate Iraq SRR1239938
93072 W149 Indica Intermediate China SRR1239952
Gang46B W155 Indica Intermediate China SRR1239958
Yuexiangzhan W163 Indica Intermediate Guangdong SRR1239966
Zaoxian14 W164 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1239967
Zhong413 W165 Indica Intermediate Zhejiang SRR1239968
Zihui100 W167 Indica Intermediate Anhui SRR1239970
Bg94-1 W181 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka SRR1239984
TEQING W186 Indica Intermediate Philippines SRR1239989
IR68552-55-3-2 W187 Indica Intermediate Philippines SRR1239990
Bhavani W212 Indica Intermediate India SRR1240015
TB154E-TB-2 W218 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1240021
OM1706 W227 Indica Intermediate Viet Nam SRR1240030
C70 W233 Indica Intermediate Viet Nam SRR1240036
ASD18 W239 Indica Intermediate India SRR1240042
TGMS29 W240 Indica Intermediate India SRR1240043
CHOROFA W264 Indica Intermediate Philippines SRR1240067
La110 W265 Indica Intermediate United States SRR1240068
Yunhui72 W267 Indica Intermediate China SRR1240070
Wudadaozhong W268 Indica Intermediate South Korea SRR1240071
IR65600-27-1-2-2 W269 Indica Intermediate Philippines SRR1240072
Yetuozai W270 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1240073
P59279 W271 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1240074
Tsao_wan_ching W272 Indica Intermediate China SRR1240075
Ma_ba_you_zhan W282 Indica Intermediate China SRR1240085
JAYA W299 Indica Intermediate India SRR1240102
Wenxiangnuo W320 Indica Intermediate Yunnan SRR1240123
Lengshuinuo W322 Indica Intermediate Yunnan SRR1240125