The list of cultivars for vg1002768046 with genotype C in the Indica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Qitoubaigu3 B089 Indica Intermediate China ERS470301
CHANH_148 B184 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS470389
Menjiading_2 B229 Indica Intermediate China ERS470429
Jiangnongzao_1_B B253 Indica Intermediate China ERS470450
None B256 Indica Intermediate None
Qitoubaigu C078 Indica Intermediate Yunnan SRR1239678
Changruangu HP264 Indica Intermediate China ERR009909
Baiguxiang HP297 Indica Intermediate China ERR009685
Liutiaozi HP440 Indica Intermediate China ERR009573
K_1074 IRIS_313-11505 Indica Intermediate India ERS468713
Shimla_Early W135 Indica Intermediate Iraq SRR1239938