The list of cultivars for vg0809349508 with genotype C in the Indica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Zimi B090 Indica Intermediate China ERS470302
Momi B238 Indica Intermediate China ERS470436
Zinuo C198 Indica Intermediate Yunnan SRR1239798
BR24 CX3 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS470603
Jiangxisimiao CX53 Indica Intermediate China ERS470703
Linyitangdao CX54 Indica Intermediate China ERS470705
Cs_2 GP125 Indica Intermediate Ivory Coast ERR036727
Unnamed GP526 Indica Intermediate Thailand ERR036774
Jinbaoyin-3 HP208 Indica Intermediate China ERR009517
Leigongman HP213 Indica Intermediate China ERR009879
Hongmiguyoumang HP215 Indica Intermediate China ERR009809
Qihe HP230 Indica Intermediate China ERR009549
Guizhounuo HP249 Indica Intermediate China ERR009845
Hanzhangu HP304 Indica Intermediate China ERR009811
Honghandao-2 HP305 Indica Intermediate China ERR009595
Hongbaizhanhangu HP328 Indica Intermediate China ERR009603
Maweizhan HP494 Indica Intermediate China ERR009556
Maweinuo HP499 Indica Intermediate China ERR009446
Guiyangzhan HP593 Indica Intermediate China ERR009876
Xiaohongmi HP595 Indica Intermediate China ERR009547
Haonuobixian HP608 Indica Intermediate China ERR009709
Guanghongba HP611 Indica Intermediate China ERR009568
MEI_FENG_9 IRIS_313-10168 Indica Intermediate China ERS468165
IRGA_659-1-2-2-2 IRIS_313-10403 Indica Intermediate Colombia ERS467926
PTB18 IRIS_313-10523 Indica Intermediate India ERS469416
ARC_13204 IRIS_313-10894 Indica Intermediate India ERS469700
ARC_13276 IRIS_313-10896 Indica Intermediate India ERS469721
ZIRA_SHAHI IRIS_313-11035 Indica Intermediate Pakistan ERS469833
BENA_JHUPI IRIS_313-11165 Indica Intermediate India ERS469967
TSIMIAKABIJA IRIS_313-11766 Indica Intermediate Madagascar ERS468930
BIE_LEI IRIS_313-11947 Indica Intermediate China ERS469092
YU_TOU_ZHONG IRIS_313-12011 Indica Intermediate China ERS469149
CHAO_DO IRIS_313-12329 Indica Intermediate Laos ERS469333
Nasaeng IRIS_313-12354 Indica Intermediate Laos ERS469354
Nasaeng IRIS_313-12355 Indica Intermediate Laos ERS469355
ARC_13252 IRIS_313-8382 Indica Intermediate India ERS467936
ARC_18202 IRIS_313-8414 Indica Intermediate India ERS468209
105 IRIS_313-8783 Indica Intermediate Sri Lanka ERS467974
VEN_THAP IRIS_313-9317 Indica Intermediate Vietnam ERS468056
PAMAH_S_18 IRIS_313-9451 Indica Intermediate Thailand ERS468070
TAINUNG_45 W074 Indica Intermediate Taiwan SRR1239877
BR24 W148 Indica Intermediate India SRR1239951
Heiheaihui W200 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1240003
Jiangxisimiao W201 Indica Intermediate Jiangxi SRR1240004
Laohudao W202 Indica Intermediate Zhejiang SRR1240005
Linjintangdao W203 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1240006
TGMS29 W240 Indica Intermediate India SRR1240043
RUSTYLATE/Zhong_413 W246 Indica Intermediate Unknown SRR1240049