The list of cultivars for vg1110436569 with genotype C in the Indica II population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
BW_293-2 B033 Indica II Sri lanka ERS470250
Erjiunan_1 B058 Indica II China ERS470272
42686 CX364 Indica II None ERS470649
NERICA-L-20 CX376 Indica II Africa ERS470662
KR200 CX388 Indica II Thailand ERS470674
Budda CX97 Indica II India ERS470750
UPR_231-28-1-2 GP142 Indica II India ERR036743
R-9-27 GP48 Indica II Cuba ERR036652
IR_2451-9-4-3 GP78 Indica II IRRI ERR036682
Jaya GP87 Indica II India ERR036691
SPR7284-57-5 IRIS_313-11233 Indica II Thailand ERS470026
IR_4500-5-1-1 IRIS_313-11251 Indica II Philippines ERS470045
J_6_IR520(WC693) IRIS_313-11538 Indica II Philippines ERS468736
PJ110 IRIS_313-11763 Indica II Cameroon ERS468927
MBEIMBEIHUN IRIS_313-11784 Indica II Sierra Leone ERS468940
ANLINGWUBAILI IRIS_313-12234 Indica II China ERS469271
SAMBALA_MALO IRIS_313-7770 Indica II Mali ERS468580
GIZA_178 IRIS_313-8212 Indica II Egypt ERS468644
IR_9660-48-1-1-2 W046 Indica II Philippines SRR1239849