The list of cultivars for vg0222471248 with genotype C in the Indica II population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Y134 CX15 Indica II China ERS470514
None CX293 Indica II None
None CX477 Indica II None
None CX480 Indica II None
None CX482 Indica II None
None CX483 Indica II None
None CX484 Indica II None
None CX485 Indica II None
None CX488 Indica II None
Ajaya CX96 Indica II India ERS470749
IR30 GP11 Indica II Philippine ERR036615
IR_67518-B-11-1-B IRIS_313-10371 Indica II Philippines ERS468234
IR_2307-247-2-2-3 IRIS_313-7689 Indica II Philippines ERS468576
RP2151-173-1-8 W051 Indica II India SRR1239854
R644 W159 Indica II China SRR1239962
Y134 W161 Indica II China SRR1239964
Phalguna W241 Indica II India SRR1240044