The list of cultivars for vg1016277792 with genotype A in the Japonica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
M202 C014 Japonica Intermediate India SRR1239614
Ai_Yeh_Lu CX142 Japonica Intermediate China ERS470506
C349 CX286 Japonica Intermediate China ERS470596
CAU1 CX353 Japonica Intermediate China ERS470638
Rialto GP563 Japonica Intermediate Albania ERR036811
Agami_M1 GP569 Japonica Intermediate Philippine ERR036817
Euribe GP588 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERR036834
Bogor_8 GP59 Japonica Intermediate Philippine ERR036663
Japonesito_des_Meses_F.A GP594 Japonica Intermediate Argentina ERR036840
Shuifunuo GP596 Japonica Intermediate Japan ERR036842
REA IRIS_313-10062 Japonica Intermediate Greece ERS468414
MOLO IRIS_313-10111 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468362
GITANO IRIS_313-10119 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468363
BULI_INIA IRIS_313-10258 Japonica Intermediate Chile ERS467900
PDR_34-2-1-2 IRIS_313-10295 Japonica Intermediate Pakistan ERS468191
RIBE_253 IRIS_313-8024 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468490
GIOVANNI_MARCHETTI IRIS_313-8026 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468462
RUBINO IRIS_313-8031 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468516
LOTO IRIS_313-8039 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468487
GRALDO IRIS_313-8041 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468509
RONCOLO IRIS_313-8048 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468522
MIARA IRIS_313-8050 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468508
SMERALDO IRIS_313-8052 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468491
FAISCA IRIS_313-8114 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468464
HAREM IRIS_313-8116 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468483
MESTRE IRIS_313-8121 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468501
SUPER IRIS_313-8145 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468476
GIGANTE_VERCELLI IRIS_313-8154 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468526
KULON IRIS_313-8155 Japonica Intermediate Russia ERS468547
MEJANES_2 IRIS_313-8170 Japonica Intermediate France ERS468646
AUGUSTO IRIS_313-8177 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468529
GLADIO IRIS_313-8185 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468549
LUXOR IRIS_313-8195 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468468
MELAS IRIS_313-8214 Japonica Intermediate Greece ERS468469
M_203 IRIS_313-8444 Japonica Intermediate United States ERS468316
CP231 IRIS_313-8658 Japonica Intermediate United States ERS468441
EAN_4_C_1 IRIS_313-9193 Japonica Intermediate Brazil ERS468323
EGYPTIAN IRIS_313-9774 Japonica Intermediate Turkey ERS468335
Sel._No._388 W010 Japonica Intermediate Uruguay SRR1239813
H57-3-1 W019 Japonica Intermediate Argentina SRR1239822
Ardito W061 Japonica Intermediate Italy SRR1239864
BHIM_DHAN W122 Japonica Intermediate Nepal SRR1239925