The list of cultivars for vg0823137827 with genotype A in the Japonica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Dacca6 CX109 Japonica Intermediate Philippines ERS470473
Gumei_2_ CX11 Japonica Intermediate China ERS470474
Amareles CX139 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS470502
Ai_Yeh_Lu CX142 Japonica Intermediate China ERS470506
NOVELLI_GIGANTE GP685 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERR036928
Haipuxiaohongzhan HP309 Japonica Intermediate China ERR009565
ESTRELA_A IRIS_313-10061 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468413
Khao_nam_yen IRIS_313-11075 Japonica Intermediate Laos ERS469877
RIBE_253 IRIS_313-8024 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468490
GIOVANNI_MARCHETTI IRIS_313-8026 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468462
GRITNA IRIS_313-8029 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468465
LOTO IRIS_313-8039 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468487
GRALDO IRIS_313-8041 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468509
FAISCA IRIS_313-8114 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468464
FAMILIA_181 IRIS_313-8115 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468532
HAREM IRIS_313-8116 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468483
MESTRE IRIS_313-8121 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468501
SLAVA IRIS_313-8143 Japonica Intermediate Bulgaria ERS468546
SUPER IRIS_313-8145 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468476
CT_23 IRIS_313-8158 Japonica Intermediate Colombia ERS468637
CT_36 IRIS_313-8159 Japonica Intermediate Colombia ERS468638
CALENDAL IRIS_313-8166 Japonica Intermediate France ERS468633
DELTA IRIS_313-8167 Japonica Intermediate France ERS468640
ARLESIENNE IRIS_313-8168 Japonica Intermediate France ERS468632
Ardito W061 Japonica Intermediate Italy SRR1239864
Vary_Tarva_Osla W063 Japonica Intermediate Portugal SRR1239866