The list of cultivars for vg0520398639 with genotype A in the Japonica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Huhui_628 B144 Japonica Intermediate China ERS470354
80A60YR71009-1-5 B191 Japonica Intermediate Australia ERS470395
Huhui628 C029 Japonica Intermediate Unknown SRR1239629
Gumei_2_ CX11 Japonica Intermediate China ERS470474
Ai_Yeh_Lu CX142 Japonica Intermediate China ERS470506
IR69428-6-1-1-3-3 CX205 Japonica Intermediate Philippines ERS470535
C349 CX286 Japonica Intermediate China ERS470596
None CX579 Japonica Intermediate None ERS804467
Bashuonuo GP502 Japonica Intermediate Japan ERR036751
Agami_M1 GP569 Japonica Intermediate Philippine ERR036817
Japonesito_des_Meses_F.A GP594 Japonica Intermediate Argentina ERR036840
Shuifunuo GP596 Japonica Intermediate Japan ERR036842
Baru GP611 Japonica Intermediate Australia ERR036855
Mars GP614 Japonica Intermediate US ERR036858
J229 GP680 Japonica Intermediate Cuba ERR036923
J519 GP681 Japonica Intermediate Cuba ERR036924
NOVELLI_GIGANTE GP685 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERR036928
Podao HP614 Japonica Intermediate China ERR009705
ESTRELA_A IRIS_313-10061 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468413
REA IRIS_313-10062 Japonica Intermediate Greece ERS468414
MOLO IRIS_313-10111 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468362
NAM_ROO IRIS_313-10176 Japonica Intermediate Thailand ERS468430
RIBE_253 IRIS_313-8024 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468490
GRITNA IRIS_313-8029 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468465
DORELLA IRIS_313-8037 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468548
LOTO IRIS_313-8039 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468487
GRALDO IRIS_313-8041 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468509
LORD IRIS_313-8049 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468505
MIARA IRIS_313-8050 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468508
SMERALDO IRIS_313-8052 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468491
RUBIDIO IRIS_313-8053 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468477
SAMBA IRIS_313-8065 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468478
PELDE IRIS_313-8076 Japonica Intermediate Australia ERS468495
FAISCA IRIS_313-8114 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468464
FAMILIA_181 IRIS_313-8115 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468532
HAREM IRIS_313-8116 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468483
IBO_400 IRIS_313-8118 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468475
MESTRE IRIS_313-8121 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468501
SLAVA IRIS_313-8143 Japonica Intermediate Bulgaria ERS468546
SUPER IRIS_313-8145 Japonica Intermediate Portugal ERS468476
MEJANES_2 IRIS_313-8170 Japonica Intermediate France ERS468646
FIDJI IRIS_313-8172 Japonica Intermediate Philippines ERS468641
LUXOR IRIS_313-8195 Japonica Intermediate Italy ERS468468
KAMJA IRIS_313-8302 Japonica Intermediate Bhutan ERS468373
CP231 IRIS_313-8658 Japonica Intermediate United States ERS468441
ARC_6044 IRIS_313-9201 Japonica Intermediate India ERS468036
IMPROVED_BLUE_ROSE IRIS_313-9366 Japonica Intermediate United States ERS468395
FORTUNA_INIA IRIS_313-9980 Japonica Intermediate Argentina ERS468411
Sel._No._388 W010 Japonica Intermediate Uruguay SRR1239813
H57-3-1 W019 Japonica Intermediate Argentina SRR1239822