The list of cultivars for vg1208263364 with genotype A in the Indica Intermediate population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
BRC_25-146-2-1 B176 Indica Intermediate Bangladesh ERS470383
None B186 Indica Intermediate None
Jinnante_B B247 Indica Intermediate China ERS470445
Buyagaw GP524 Indica Intermediate Philippine ERR036772
Hongzuigu HP412 Indica Intermediate China ERR009854
CO_36 IRIS_313-10988 Indica Intermediate India ERS469801
IR_2344-P1_PB-9-3-2B IRIS_313-7690 Indica Intermediate Philippines ERS468572
IR_238 W066 Indica Intermediate Philippines SRR1239869